Critique vs Positive Alternative communication with the horse

One of the themes at a recent clinic in Oahu was discussing a positive alternative vs. a critique in our communication with the horse.

Most riders focus on what they don't want and attempt to "block," drive or reprimand the horse in a moment of unwanted behavior.

Adaptability with our horse while maintaining our Standards

As I'm gearing up to head out across the ocean to my next clinic, I was thinking about my own "preparations" for myself and what I'll be teaching to the mixture of Western, Dressage, and Eventing participants.

Seeing the Details- Learning Horse Behavior

Have you ever wondered what the trainer is seeing? How the trainer seems able to recognize things your horse is about to do and you still felt like you were being taken by surprise? In the last few days I've posted a few short video clips of very specific moments of horses here in training. My goal is to help folks learn to refine what they see and how to interpret the horse's thoughts, current behavior and that what is about to happen, before it actually does. Join us in the group for Q & A to help improve the partnership with your horse! Click HERE

LIVE Q & A Alternative Horsemanship Videos

Every Friday I've begun presenting a LIVE series of 15 minute videos titled- #FifteenForFriday -addressing a multitude of aspects of my Alternative Horsemanship theories and training approaches.  If you'd like to join me, head on over to the Alternative Horsemanship Facebook group.

Learning to read Horse Behavior

People tend to fixate their visual focus on one or two body parts of the horse, which limits what they see. As they work with the horse, whether the animal is loose or on the lead rope, people need to learn to be able to "zoom in" and out and scan the entire body of the horse.

Refining Ground Work with the Horse

Refining Ground Work with the Horse

Whenever I show up to work with a horse I go through a mental checklist assessing things such as:

  • Where is the horse’s mind today?
  • How is the horse looking/feeling in his postures, breathing, and movement?
  • What was the feeling or energy he offered when greeting me in his pasture or stall?
  • Does he seem mentally available as I ask to halter, lead, and stop at the gate?

Bolting Horse and other Unwanted Behavior

Someone recently inquired about two scenarios where she came off her horse, seemingly not through the fault of the horse but rather her own imbalance, but that the horse's overreaction- to bolt to the neighbors property, jump their fence, etc. was quite dramatic. She was inquiring about how to fix this behavior.
Having not seen the horse or knowing their history, here is my initial take on this common scenario.

Improving your Equine Skill Set

Improving your Equine Skill Set

Everything that we do in life requires different skill sets. Unfortunately, when it comes to horses, many folks approach it as an "I bought it, I should be able to do it." But the reality can turn out quite different.

One of the challenges for both pleasure and competitive riders is prioritizing the time and having the mental clarity to build their skill set when it comes to their horsemanship.