Are your good intentions creating a dysfunctional horse? Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series

 Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series

Is the Horse Training building the horse's trust or creating a dysfunctional, fearful, anticipative equine? 

Many horse enthusiasts struggle with finding the balance in how to work with the horse. In this horse learning video, Alternative Horsemanship the Remote Horse Coach discusses how the human's lack of clarity in their communication can leave the horse struggling and resorting to unwanted behaviors. This episode addresses the common horse rider's problem of passively interacting with the horse diminishing his willingness and try.

Click the link to watch on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel.

Helping the Defensive Horse

 Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 

Helping the defensive horse 

Watch on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel. New videos are posted every Friday.

Tips for Riding out, Building Confidence for the Timid Horse Rider

 Tips for the Insecure or Timid Rider

What about building the rider's confidence for riding out?

Reactive Riding - Horse Help & Tips

 Reactive Riding

When people sit down in that saddle their brain tends to focus solely on themselves. Instead, if they treated their horse-like they were "on the same team" and told the horse what the PLAN was ahead of time, the horse would have a better chance of offering the desired response toward the rider. 

Horse Skills Tips - Misconceptions of a Circle

One of the most misused "techniques" I have found is how people present asking the horse to move around a circle.

Horse Behavior- After the session assessment

How often does your focus "leave" as you are nearing the end of a session with the horse? Mentally moving on to something else?

Horsemanship: Reviewing The Release

As with everything, there are many interpretations when it comes to the terminology associated with horses. I try to be clear and precise in the words that I'm offering, but there still can be a gray area in the human student's understanding. This often comes from their level of awareness, background, and unintentional anticipation/expectation of their mind "getting ahead" of wherever they are currently at with their horse.

Alternative Horsemanship April Livestreams

 Join  Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey for the Following a Feel Livestream

Discussing the everyday, overlooked opportunities during the horse interactions that either refine the equine's mental and physical directability or unintentionally teach the horse to avoid and be defensive toward human communication.

Saturday, April 13th at 5pm pst.

Click the link to learn more

Horse Problems and Unwanted Equine Behavior Video


Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 

Horse Problems, Unwanted Equine Behavior & Uncomfortable Discussions

Click the link to watch the latest episode on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel. 

Ponying the Horse Tips

 Ponying the Horse- Continuing Quality Conversations

I find when ponying, many folks focus on getting the ponied horse to follow the movement of the ridden one.  This can create mindless movement in the ponied horse and contributes to what seems to willingly compliance (as long as nothing specific is asked of him) but he is not thoughtful, mentally directable, or physically adaptable. 

Horse Goals & Interaction Tips

 What intentions do you have for you and your horse? What are you doing to work towards them?

Refining Groundwork with the Horse

Refining Ground Work with the Horse

Whenever I show up to work with a horse I go through a mental checklist assessing things such as:
Where is the horse’s mind today?
How is the horse looking/feeling in his postures, breathing, and movement?
What was the feeling or energy he offered when greeting me in his pasture or stall?
Does he seem mentally available as I ask to halter, lead, and stop at the gate?
If I ask for him to change his focus, "let go" of a mental distraction, decrease/increase his energy, step on/at a specific spot, or pause while I "fix" something else, is he getting defensive for my opinions or his he willing to try?

Human Emotions Sabotaging Equine Partnerships

I've had many comments over the years about how I seem to never lose patience with the horse during moments that for most people would trigger a rollercoaster of emotions... such as in the scenarios of when a horse:
Resists being caught
Difficult to Trailer Load
Bolts when Led
Won't stand quietly tied
Avoidant towards the farrier
Has excessive movement when tacked or mounted
Is sensitive about fly spray or bathing
Is buddy or "barn" sour

Pain, Horse Health and Soundness issues


Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series

"Adrenaline overriding the Horse's Pain"

Discussing contributors regarding Horse Health and overlooked Soundness Issues. Sharing how the mental and emotional state of the horse creates equine behavior changes. Raising the question of the human's awareness to recognize if their goals outweigh the ability to offer empathy to acknowledge the horse's physical health.

Click the link to watch on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel. New videos are posted every Friday. 

Are you unintentionally "teaching" the Horse unwanted behaviors?

Frequently, in an attempt to show kindness, folks try to pacify, mask, and cloak unwanted interactions with the horse.

Limited Time & Learning Horse Skills

 Whether limited due to work, school, family commitments, weather, etc. I encourage people to spend any and as much Quality Time they can with the horse. 

Improving Rein Management Skills- Decreasing unwanted Equine Behavior


Rein Management Skills

Join Alternative Horsemanship for this live stream discussing many of the common rein-handling issues riders have creating unwanted equine responses.

Saturday, March 9th, 5pm pst
Replays available

Click HERE to join the Locals Community and participate in the semi-monthly livestreams for Subscribers.

Horse Hoof Handling Tips Video Learning by Alternative Horsemanship the Remote Horse Coach


Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series
Horse Hoof Handling Insight and Tips
Many people struggle to pick up their horse's feet. A common contributor to unwanted equine behaviors when Handling the Hoove is the lack of balance the horse may have. This causes him to be braced, heavy, or leaning and not prepared to softly pick up the hoof being asked for. This video also shares Hoof Holding tips to improve your equine skills, keep your balance, and be adaptable if the horse moves his leg.
Click the link to watch on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel.
New videos are posted weekly. Watch NOW

20 Horse Health Tips and Questions by Alternative Horsemanship

20 Horse Health Tips, Questions & Assessment

Below are some basic questions to ask regarding your horse’s health.
I suggest keeping a horse health journal making note of diet changes, farrier care, odd behaviors, etc. It can be used as a future reference point to learn from and find what works best for the horse.

Rope Halter Tying and Sizing Tips

 Rope Halter Typing & Fitting Tips

Most people using this type of halter are not tying the knot correctly. If incorrectly tied, the halter can slip and loosen after a short while or if there is resistance with the horse "leaning" on the lead rope. 

Unwanted Horse Behaviors and Sleep Deprivation by Alternative Horsemanship

 Horse Health, Behaviors & Sleep

When we say "horse" the initial image in our mind is that of the horse galloping through a field, or some other majestic movement. But there's also the aspect of thinking about how comfortable mentally and emotionally the horse is.

Horse Tack Fit Issues and Problems

Tack fit... or perhaps I should say Mis-Fit.
Probably ranking in the Top 3 challenges faced by riders. It is a major contributor to unwanted experiences in the equine partnership. Below are just a few of the undesirable consequences...

The Human Horse Learning Journey

 I never thought when I chose to work professionally with horses and help educate their owners that I'd be "taking on"...

The human emotional chaos

Horse Rider Tips: Improving Balance by Alternative Horsemanship


In this horse learning video in the Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series, the Remote Horse Coach shares insight into improving horse rider balance. Offering tips on how to create stability in the saddle to improve and refine the quality of the communication offered to the equine.

New videos are posted every Friday.
Watch NOW

Horse Skills: The Check- In Learning to Acknowledge the Equine to stop Guessing

The Check-In

I often encounter people who are surprised or overwhelmed by their horse's responses. There tends to be a major gap in the human's perception of when/what/how things have occurred rather than an understanding of all the ongoing, continuous equine communication that was ignored, overlooked, or criticized and how the animal's feedback would "tell" the person what behaviors were coming next. 

Alternative Horsemanship southern California Horse Clinics

For those folks near Southern CA... these will be the last two Alternative Horsemanship clinics of this sort.

When: Feb 28- March 4, 2024 & March 27- April 1. 2024
Time: 8am- 4:30pm
Where: Oakzanita Ranch, Descanso, CA

Working with a variety of breeds, unmounted, and riding, in and out of the arena... each session is adapted and catered to the individual human and horse's current abilities. The goal is to offer insight into understanding equine behavior and building the skills to communicate clearly and effectively with the horse to build a willing, trusting, adaptable equine partner.

These are also the only clinics where I allow free auditing... There are still a few one-hour individual participant slots available in the second clinic. Please contact the clinic host HERE for auditing details and sign up.

Honesty of Horse Conversations by Alternative Horsemanship the Remote Horse Coach

One of the things that keeps me “motivated” in working with horses is their honesty. The interaction is not about whether I "like" what their behavior is telling me, but rather recognizing they are offering real-time feedback as to what they are mentally, emotionally, and physically experiencing.

Horse Problems: Mounting Issues Livestream by Alternative Horsemanship

Part 2 of the February Livestream series: Mounting Issues

Join the Alternative Horsemanship Locals community to watch the live stream teaching addressing avoidant, defensive, tension-filled horse behaviors while mounting.
Livestream: Watch now

Horse Trailer Loading Tips- Problems... or Opportunities?

Have you subscribed to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel?

Fly Spraying without Fear

 Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series

Many people struggle with fly spraying their horse without having reactive, defensive avoidant, chaotic, or unwanted horse behavior. This horse video learning session on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel shares a perspective on educating and Training horses without fear. The Remote Horse Coach offers insight into the contributors during the horse's education, affecting their willingness to participate while building their confidence. "It" is not about the task, but educating the horse to understand learning how to learn for whatever the human may ask of them.
Click HERE to watch

Spring Preparations for Upcoming Horse Riding Season

Preparing for the Spring Riding Season
Looking ahead to the upcoming riding season, whether you ride for pleasure or are a competitor, you can strive to offer a supportive partnership towards your horse. I will touch on two concepts that you can start considering, without even having to battle the outdoor winter conditions!

Helping the Horse that Spooks

We may giggle... 
But in all seriousness, how did this become the norm?
We've probably experienced our horse spooking at at least one or more of the things (and on more than one occasion) in this horse meme.

Haltering the Horse Assessment and Tips


In this horse learning video in the Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series, Alternative Horsemanship shares insight into how the quality of the catching and haltering of the horse affects the quality of the session. The Remote Horse Coach highlights recognizing the subtle horse behavior that offers feedback to understand the equine's mental, spatial, and physical defensive triggers that lead to anticipative, tension-filled, fleeing responses. She also highlights how changing the horse's expectation of patterns during human interaction can bring to light if he is offering a mindless conditioned response versus having the ability to think, adapt, search, and try for what the human is asking.

Tips for Improving Horse Skills

Tips for Resetting Your Breathing and Releasing Tension at the Halt
(Mounted or Unmounted)

Only when realizing it, many riders hold their breath quite frequently when interacting with or riding the horse.
This Unintentional simple act creates continuous containment of the horse due to the rigidity the human then carries in their body causing constant chaos, and miscommunication with the horse.

Pressure and Horses

Pressure & Horses 
I’ve never had an “English” language conversation with a horse, but over the years I feel that I’ve found some degree of a “common language” with which I use to communicate with them. I explain to students there is no “one” way to do things, and I always tell people “take what you like, leave what you don’t” from any learning situation. I finished reading a horse blog the other day and realized that in this day and age, I don’t think you can participate in any aspect of the horse world without hearing the word “pressure” about communicating with the horse.
I was thinking about what “pressure” might mean to others; ideas and questions started to pop into my head.

Tips for Improving the Equine Partnership

"Letting Go" to Feel of the Horse

Learning the commonly taught mechanics to work with a horse from the ground or how to ride can be a challenge. It is also what most folks limit their horse education and goals to, with no understanding of the horse or his behaviors.

"Letting go" of one's emotional chaos, hopefulness, unreasonable expectations, and mental distractions before being in proximity to the horse, allows acknowledgment of what the horse is experiencing during the interaction. This then gives the human guidance on what needs to be addressed to help the horse better.

"Letting go" of self-imposed or society's traditionally taught hurried, repetitious, patterns, have-tos or "horse training rules", allows for unexpected Opportunities that can often become trust-building experiences between the human and the horse.
The more we learn to "let go," the more present in the moment and available we are to observe, experiment, and adapt which is then mirrored in the horse's willingness toward our requests.

Horse Behavior: Imposing at the gate

In this horse learning video, Alternative Horsemanship The Remote Horse Coach shares a young horse who is imposing upon the human as they approach the gate. This Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series episode highlights the importance of recognizing the dangers involved with a horse that is constantly spatially imposing on the human, especially for future scenarios if the equine is emotionally triggered, and how this can evolve into increasingly dangerous behaviors. 

Watch now:

Unwanted Horse Behavior Problems Symptom vs Issue- Unasked for Backing

Ask the Trainer... Q & A Unwanted Behaviors- Backing
"Hi, I just bought another quarter horse. When I went to check her out, 2 different people, a man and a lady got on her to ride, she too a step or two back. I got her home, tried to mount her, and she just keep backing up. I tried for about an hour to go get on her and she keeps backing up. I tried to do this in my field. She let me put the saddle on her easy and the bridle. I tried on 2 different days. I don't have a round pen, should I try to do it in the stall next just to get on and off of her a few times? Thanks for your help."

Can you recognize defensiveness, anticipation, and pain in the horse?

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship 

This episode offers the opportunity to assess a horse's behavior for defensiveness, anticipation, and pain indicators. The Remote Horse Coach then shares an in-depth assessment to help equine enthusiasts learn how to read and recognize the horse's behavior. This gives insight into where to start with the horse, as well as seeing the horse's coping patterns. The video sheds light on various health issues that may affect the horse's willingness to participate. Join us in this educational horse video to enhance your horsemanship skills and deepen your understand.

Click the link to watch on the Alternative Horsemanship. YouTube Channel. New videos are posted every Friday.

Watch now

Horse Humor Journal by Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey

Horse Humor Journal with a mix of humor, Alternative Horsemanship quotes, and reminders to learn how to refine your horse skills while improving your equine partnership.
30-page, spiral bound, unlined.
Pre-Release Available for Purchase Click the link to get your copy today

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey Clinics


Read the latest 2024 in-person learning Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey horse clinic newsletter HERE.

Improving Horse Skills & Time Limitations

Too many people tend to hurry in life and often the same applies to their horsemanship.

The “task” often becomes the focal point, rather than the quality of communication. If the horse mostly “goes along” with what is asked, people tend to accept the behavior.

But without effective “tools” (I don’t mean gadgets, rather how a person uses pressure to communicate) they often wind up at the “mercy” of the horse or “surviving” the ride.

Pushy, Anticipative, Fearful, Fleeing, Reactive Horse Behavior

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series

Tips for how to translate pushy, anticipative, fearful, and reactive horse behavior to search for the root causes behind these dangerous equine.

Are you blaming your horse for unwanted behaviors? Most equine enthusiasts try to control, block, or stop the animal's movement which creates one unwanted response evolving into another resistant behavior.

Click the linklink to watch on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel.

New videos posted every Friday.



Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey Horse Clinics

Upcoming Alternative Horsemanship Clinics

Improving Horse Skills & Changing Sabotaging Interaction Patterns

Proactive Horse Skills & Communication

Do you work with your horse at the same time of day?
Catch him in the same manner?
Enter/exit the gate the same way?
Is your groundwork a routine or a pattern?
Tie/groom/tack up in the same place?
Mount from the same side, in the same location?
Begin always tracking in one direction?

Horse Skill Tips: Physical Assessment Opportunities

5 Physical Assessment Opportunities

When learning or experimenting with a new way of communicating and interacting with the horse, people can unintentionally develop intensity in their facial expression, tension in their posture, increased energy, and tight movement.
Without meaning to, as a person is trying to mentally assess, process, and physically coordinate their communication with the horse, they may also be conveying unintentional signals to their horse.
This adds unnecessary confusion when attempting to change old patterns in the interaction.

Alternative Horsemanship Horse Humor Journal

Samantha Harvey shares horse humor, motivational Alternative Horsemanship quotes, and equine inspiration in this 30-page, spiral-bound personal journal. 
Click HERE for a pre-release purchase.

Fixing Dangerous and Unwanted Horse Behavior by Alternative Horsemanship

Horses don't just "do" that... 

What if we recognized and addressed the initial signs of concerned, fearful, or defensive equine behaviors before they erupted into things like:
Fleeing movement
Biting at the Air
and so many other moments that far too many riders respond to with, "Oh, he just does that, he's being a ____."