Showing posts with label horse problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horse problems. Show all posts

Horsemanship Challenges: The Human Learning Curve

In this horse trainer advice video, Sam discusses in her Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series challenges, frustrations, and understanding of the horse many horseback riders experience as their horsemanship journey progresses. 

Subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel for weekly videos in this series and the Tuesday Trainer Tips Series.

What is Alternative Horsemanship?

Samantha Harvey discusses her riding background and education and how she developed her Alternative Horsemanship approach to help horses and horseback riders improve their equine partnership. She shares how her horse philosophy and goal are to help horse riders improve their understanding of equine behavior and communication.

Horseback riding and Horsemanship- Stop Overwhelming Yourself

 One Step at a Time

It is very easy to be overwhelmed by everything that "isn't" or is challenging, frustrating, and exhausting with the horse.


Equine Rehabilitation and Horse Re-education what is involved? Addressing the viral video

A recent video I posted on TikTok got over 1.1 million views in about 72 hours showing the Before and After of a horse that had arrived for "bad and dangerous behavior" issues such as biting, kicking, bucking, bolting, striking, etc. when the root cause was the amount of pain he was currently in, his past mental and physical traumas, and the strong distrust towards humans. This is a response video explaining what is involved in the way I approach equine rehabilitation and building the Horse's trust. Here's the link to the Before & After Horse Rehab video

What is it like being a Horse Trainer? Thirty years later

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares her unexpected journey as a horse trainer, developing equine partnerships, trauma, building trust and try, and setting the horse up for success in the human world. So much of the horse's initial training influences its future safety and well-being.

Young Horse Education- Mental Availability vs Physical Obedience

"Just" a horse standing in front of an open gate...

When I met this two-year-old Andalusian he was bolting off, kicking, biting, and striking when led by his owner.
His answer to everything was to get big, flamboyant, and have his legs go in four different directions at the same time.
He was literally trying to climb out of the round pen the first few times I did sessions with him.
He saw no value in the human and was very defensive towards them, trying to avoid them at all costs.

Unwanted Horse Behavior- Helping the Head Shy Horse - Dear Sam: Horse Help

Does your horse display unwanted behavior, is he head shy, difficult to halter or bridle? Is your horse defensive about you touching mirror his face? Watch the latest Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series by Alternative Horsemanship the Remote Horse Coach addressing the head shy horse and learn what you might be missing to help change your horse's behavior.

Subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube channel for weekly videos.

Horse Riding Tips: Improving the horseback rider's balance

Tips for Improving Rider Balance

So much of our horsemanship can be improved in the time spent bringing awareness to our behaviors and thoughts before we ever involve the horse.
The reality is most people don't have the option of enough time in the saddle. We are often disconnected from our thoughts, and we have very little body awareness.

Dear Sam: Horse Hep *Dangerous Equine Behavior

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares how dramatic and dangerous horse behavior is a symptom, how to recognize the initial subtle signs of fear, defensiveness, or anticipation in the equine, and why it matters to address it early, rather than ignoring it and creating the dangerous horse.

 Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Dangerous Equine Behavior

Unintentional Human Behavior to the Equine Partnership

 Detrimental and hindering things the human often "brings" to a session with the horse...




Lack of Clarity


Lack of Awareness

Mental Distraction



Emotional Chaos





What if the "equine experience" started with first honestly assessing oneself, so that we could be mentally present, emotionally calm, and physically balanced to refine the intention, specificity, and Quality of communication to have thoughtful, two-way Conversations with the horse, rather than screaming matches.

Horse Learning- Are you helping or Hindering?

 Learning how to Learn

 I find the way most people offer information to the horse is with an expectation of tolerance by the equine. 

Rarely is there any consideration for being able to influence the horse's focus, redirect his thoughts, help him let go of physical tension, or have many of the other tools needed so that he can learn how to think through the unfamiliar, rather than just tolerate it.

Why does it matter?

Because each interaction you're teaching the horse to either become more weary and distrustful of the human experience, or you're increasing his curiosity and building his confidence for all that you ask of him in the future.

 The real motivation, even without acknowledging the horse and what he is experiencing, might come from asking oneself, "Wouldn't it be easier to set the horse up for success from the start, rather than having to undo unnecessary traumatic experiences and dangerous coping behaviors created because of hurried, unclear, and lack of quality human communication?" 

Addressing the Horse's Concern- Alternative Horsemanship the Remote Horse Coach

The Horse's Concern
What if we recognized and addressed the initial signs of concern before it erupted into:
Fleeing movement
Biting at the Air
and so many other moments responded to as, "OH, he just does that, he's being a ____."

Challenging the Horse vs. Supporting Him- Horseback Rider Mindset


Challenging the Horse Statements

"Let's see if he..."
"I wonder if he..."
"Will he..."
"Maybe he will..."
"What if he does..."
"Why won't he just..."

Our words influence our actions. I meet many people who use the above statements unintentionally and are unaware of how much it influences and diminishes the quality of the equine partnership.

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series "Why does my horse..."

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares her perspective on how to better understand resistant and unwanted equine behavior.

"Why is my horse... Subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel for all new episodes every Friday.

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Adaptable Energy Levels

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 

*Adaptable Energy Levels Sam will address why so many people are having issues with slowing down or getting their horses to speed up. She will explain with the superficial "fixes" of more equipment or stronger aids that do not improve the horse's response and what the root causes of unwanted behavior stem from. 

Reminder- Three Upcoming LIVE webinars- one starting January 1/22/22! 
Learn more here 

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Simplifying and Overcoming Equine Challenges

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 
*Simplifying and Overcoming Challenges 

Sam shares 3 tips for insight into how you can evolve your relationship and improve the equine partnership. Subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel for new videos weekly. 

Learning from the Horse- Self-awareness Opportunities

 The Best Teachers 

Time with horses can be our greatest learning moments; they reflect our thoughts, emotions, energy, intentions, fears, insecurities, and so much more.

We can learn about our behaviors, habits, patterns, mindset, anticipation, and triggers that may be sabotaging the clarity of communication and limiting the Quality of the Conversation in our equine partnership.

I just read a great quote,

"Those in pursuit if WHY are inspired to do right." SimonSinek

Have you ever considered if your goal and priorities are to do "right" by your horse, or if you are hopeful that he'll do "right" by you?

Horse Training: Helping the Equine that Bucks & Bolts Build Confidence...

Despite a horse going through the motions of exposure and learning, does not mean that his confidence is increasing, irrelevant of all of his new experiences.

New Year New Goals- Improving and Evaluating the Equine Relationship

 New Year New Goals- Assessing and Improving the Equine Partnership

This is the week without fail that I start getting "urgent" pleas from horse folks for advice with decisions about whether or not to keep their current horse.

I came with these six GOALS to help equine enthusiasts keep perspective when assessing their horse relationship.

I see so many horse people posting photos and referring to the horse like the animal is an accessory. 

The focus tends to be on the human agenda, rather than addressing the Quality of what THE HUMAN is bringing to the Equine Partnership.

Too many riders are so very quick to critique the horse without ever acknowledging how their own grey-area, inconsistent, unfair communication is influencing the unwanted responses in the equine.

Buying and selling a variety of different horses isn't going to "fix" anything if the person is still unable to recognize, believe, and address horse behavior nor will it improve their skill-set.

Perhaps let's make the GOAL for the upcoming year to focus on improving ourselves rather than blaming the horse.