Showing posts with label remote horse coach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remote horse coach. Show all posts

Horse Rider MindSet- Caustic Categorizing

How Your Thoughts Influence your Horsemanship

Somewhere in the course of people riding the interaction with the horse became compartmentalized into good and bad, right or wrong.
It comes from a place of human expectation (irrelevant of if it is appropriate or not,) which overshadows the interaction with continuous critical communication.
Approaching the horse as something to "make" comply, when the person's fixation is stuck on the agenda, they miss things like:

Unintentional Human Behavior to the Equine Partnership

 Detrimental and hindering things the human often "brings" to a session with the horse...




Lack of Clarity


Lack of Awareness

Mental Distraction



Emotional Chaos





What if the "equine experience" started with first honestly assessing oneself, so that we could be mentally present, emotionally calm, and physically balanced to refine the intention, specificity, and Quality of communication to have thoughtful, two-way Conversations with the horse, rather than screaming matches.

What is a Release? Horse Help

 Reviewing The Release

As with everything, there are many interpretations when it comes to the terminology associated with horses. I try to be clear and precise in the words that I'm offering, but there still can be a gray area in the human student's understanding. This often comes from their level of awareness, background, and unintentional anticipation/expectation of their mind "getting ahead" of wherever they are currently at with their horse.

The Young Horse: Dramatic, Reactive, Dangerous Behavior

 The MisUnderStood Horse

 This is a two-year-old Andalusian who I just started working with recently. He reflects so many horses that I meet that are often deemed "bad, aggressive, stubborn, resistant," and all these other human-based emotional judgments, which have nothing to do with what the horse is experiencing or why his behavior is as it is.

Young Horse Training and Education- Mental, Emotional, and Physical Maturity

 Gentle Reminder...

Although most equine enthusiasts want to do right by their horses, many are pushed into starting to ride horses at far too young of an age.

Dear Sam: Horse Help *Re-evaluating Horse Problems by Alternative Horsem...

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach 

Dear Sam: Horse Help *ReEvaluating Horse "Problems" 

Addressing how most common problematic or unwanted equine behaviors are a symptom, not the issue(s) the horse is struggling with.

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