Showing posts with label remote horse coach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remote horse coach. Show all posts

Challenging the Horse vs. Supporting Him- Horseback Rider Mindset


Challenging the Horse Statements

"Let's see if he..."
"I wonder if he..."
"Will he..."
"Maybe he will..."
"What if he does..."
"Why won't he just..."

Our words influence our actions. I meet many people who use the above statements unintentionally and are unaware of how much it influences and diminishes the quality of the equine partnership.

Horseback Rider Help- Letting go to feel the Horse

"Letting Go" to Feel the Horse
Learning to ride and becoming clear in the mechanics of aids to communicate can be a challenge in itself. And that is what a majority of folks limit their riding goals to. The experience is solely about the human.

But for those seeking connection, balance, and fluidity, they have to "let go" of gripping, holding, bracing, making, leveraging, and constantly driving the horse with pressure.

The willingness and connected feel of the horse comes from "letting go" of containing him in order to feel his feedback, acknowledge it without criticism, and address it, without it becoming a fight.

The "with-you-ness" of the equine partner- where the rider feels they have options to ask anything at any time- and the horse offers to try- comes from the human mentally "letting go" of and replacing hopeful, passive, reactive communication with the mental presence and proactive interaction with the equine.

Finding the peaceful, calm, quiet, and softness in the horse experience comes from the human "letting go" of their emotional chaos and distraction before they are ever in proximity to the horse.

"Letting go" of self-imposed or society's have-tos, allows for unexpected Opportunities to arise that often become some of the most valued and trust-building times- for both the human and the horse.

Conversations: Equine Physio Consequences

Veterinary Physiotherapist Claudia Howard of HowardsHoovesandHounds joins Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey for a candid chat regarding equine physio consequences from horse training practices. 

So many key points are addressed for equine enthusiasts who want to increase their understanding of and improve the partnership with the horse. (Please excuse the background alarm and inconsistent wifi.) 

Follow Claudia on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn @howardshoovesandhounds or on her Website

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *The Horse's Re-education

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 
*The Horse's Re-education 

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares her perspective on the re-education of a horse and many of the challenges that owners face in discovering where to start to help the horse become trusting, confident, and willing. 

Subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship Channel for new videos in the series every Friday.

Tacking up the Young Horse by Alternative Horsemanship

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares a glimpse into a session with a 5-year-old she started a few weeks back...

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Assessing the Starting Point

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 
*Assessing the Horse's Starting Point 

Horse Health: Assessing the Roll by Alternative Horsemanship


Horse Health: Assessing the Roll So often by taking a few minutes and observing the horse, can give us insight into potential physical health issues.

Equine Communication: What did the horse experience? After the session Assessment

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares a glimpse into after she finished a session with a young horse. She discusses the importance of assessing the horse's feedback in their behavioral responses reflecting their mental and emotional experience during the training session.

Sweet Young Horse and Young Dog Training Moments

Amidst the chaos, sometimes we just need a few calm moments...Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares a glimpse into a calm moment of helping a young horse and Dog learn.

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series "Why does my horse..."

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares her perspective on how to better understand resistant and unwanted equine behavior.

"Why is my horse... Subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel for all new episodes every Friday.

Human Perceptions of the Horse's Halt by Alternative Horsemanship

Perceptions of the Halt
Many humans view the halt as physical yielding or obedience. There is little or no concept of the difference between the feet not moving versus a horse mentally present and physically relaxed when asked to stop.

Human Intention and Horse Behavior by Alternative Horsemanship

The Human Intention
Until humans figure out what we are bringing to the equine partnership, we cannot offer the horse clear, intentional, specific, and segmented communication they so often need.
I just finished teaching an Alternative Horsemanship six-day clinic and there was a student who was retelling his morning interaction with the horse. Things had not gone as he expected, and he was negatively referring to the horse's behavior in human emotional terms.

Musings of the Modern Day Horse- Buying an Equine

Musings of the Modern Horse
I've been teaching a 6-day horsemanship clinic in Southern California despite typical Sunny weather, the joke is I bring changes in the weather. We went from 70 plus degrees on day one to the high of 36 and sleet rain two days later with snow that night.
As I always teach students to be adaptable, so am I in my teachings. We happen to have multiple participants who will be on a horse buying search in the near future.

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Hindering Human Distractions

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Hindering Human Distractions Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares how the human's mental distractions can have an unintentional impact on the quality of the communication with the horse. Subscribe to the series Alternative Horsemanship Channel for new horse learning videos every Friday.

Horse Rider Mindset- the Journey of Improving to become better Partners

The Commitment to Change

Every year I receive hundreds of emails and phone calls from people worldwide who are at various stages in their horsemanship journey.
There is a very clear separation between those who are seeking to learn how to work with the horse versus those who are wanting to achieve fast results.
For those who choose the less popular path of raising their self -awareness, and allowing both themselves and the horse time as the relationship evolves, it can feel very isolating.
Learning to let go of distractions and be mentally available to recognize, and address the horse and what he is experiencing, can present a very steep learning curve without a support system for the human.
At times, because this less common approach is not frequently taught, the journey can feel as if one has alienated themselves from the mainstream horse world.
I want to throw open the door for fun dialogue to offer those who perhaps are experiencing, or are questioning "the system" to help equine enthusiasts realize they are not alone.
There are many individuals around the world, every day, who are prioritizing quality with the horse, and all of the struggles, emotions, questions along the sometimes unclear journey are shared by others.
Having read some of Juliette's writings of her decade-plus journey on a path moving away from her initial traditional horse education, I think she's expressed really well what many others may be feeling.
I thought it would be a great opportunity for folks to hear about her experiences and realize change is possible.
Save the date- Live On Instagram
Join me Alternative Horsemanship and Juliette Ober ( author of the Honey Suckle Faire blog and multiple articles for EquiTrekking Magazine) for the LIVE event Saturday, February 26th, 6pm MST, 8pm est.

Assessing Human Pressure towards the Horse- by the Remote Horse Coach

People tend to hurry in life and often the same applies to their horsemanship.

Horses, Humans, & Pressure by the Remote Horse Coach

Horses, Humans, and Pressure

Horses learning to Follow the Feel of Pressure- by The Remote Horse Coach

 "Following a Feel"

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Measuring Success- Illusion of Expectations

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 
*Measuring Success- Illusions of Expectations

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach discusses the perception of success with the horse, and what can lead to too much pressure, frustration, and overwhelming scenarios. 

Subscribe to the YouTube Channel for new videos uploaded every Friday.

Horsemanship Webinar: Pressure points- Unintentional Human Communication by The Remote Horse Coach

Final Alternative Horsemanship Webinar Reminder

Pressure Points: Unintentional Human Communication
This webinar is designed to raise your awareness of the potential mannerisms you are using in your movement and energy that are unintentionally creating pressure and potentially building defensiveness in the horse.

Saturday, Feb 19 @ 11am mst
Click HERE for details and registration.

Replay is available if you miss the LIVE event. 50 minutes of lecture and 10 min of Q & A.