Learn horse behavior, communication, and improve horsemanship skills in weekly articles by Alternative Horsemanship™ with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach. Coaching riders of all experience levels in clinics worldwide, distance horse instruction, and consults. 200+ video catalog has webinars, courses, livestreams, classes, and more. #alternativehorsemanship
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Hoofprints & Happenings Spring 2022 Newsletter by Alternative Horsemanship
Human Perceptions of the Horse's Halt by Alternative Horsemanship
Human Intention and Horse Behavior by Alternative Horsemanship
I just finished teaching an Alternative Horsemanship six-day clinic and there was a student who was retelling his morning interaction with the horse. Things had not gone as he expected, and he was negatively referring to the horse's behavior in human emotional terms.
Musings of the Modern Day Horse- Buying an Equine
As I always teach students to be adaptable, so am I in my teachings. We happen to have multiple participants who will be on a horse buying search in the near future.
Planning for the Horse's Future
Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series
*What happens to your horse if something happens to you?
Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach addresses the difficult topic of planning for your horse's future care, financial costs, etc. in the case that something happens to you.
#dearsamhorseseries #alternativehorsemanship #remotehorsecoach
Fear of Doing Things "wrong" With the Horse
What if I don't do it "right?"
Over the years of helping a variety of riders of all ages, backgrounds, disciplines, and experiences, I get asked this same question as they strive to improve their equine partnerships.
Horse Trainer Burnout- Misconceptions in the Equine Industry
Horse Trainer Burnout
The false illusion of what a trainer will do for the horse, meaning offer this neat packaged result, is ridiculous. For so long nobody considered the individual owner, their abilities, their goals, their time commitment, and most of all nobody actually considered the horse they were working with.