Communicating with Horses Building a Foundation in your Horsemanship

Penny Lane's Foundation

She went from running over people, double barrel kicking, imposing herself spatially, no concept of softening, following, or yielding to either physical or spatial pressure, and now has been learning how to:

Horse Herd Dynamics- Equine Behavior

 Herd Dynamics 

There is a continuous rotation of horses here on the farm as equines arrive from all parts of the country staying various lengths of time depending on their individual needs in their re-education and often rehabilitation. 

Round Pen Conversations with the Young Horse by Alternative Horsemanship

Penny Lane was incredibly pushy and would literally run over the top of you.

Here is my version of how a round pen is a safe place for thoughtful Conversations with the horse.

It is about gaining mental availability in the horse to create physical softness.

If the Communication from the human isn't specific and clear, the pen often creates flee and defensiveness in the horse.

This can be a safe environment for the horse to learn how to acknowledge and check-in with the human, let go of distractions, learn how to search for what is being asked of them, and to keep trying even if they had a different idea. for The Remote Horse Coach video learning opportunities.

#alternativeHorsemanship #RemoteHorseCoach #horsemanship

Horseback Riding: Directing the Horse's Thought vs. Making him Physically Comply

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey shares a brief clip of riding Hjalmar the Fjord discussing the difference in directing the horse's thought vs. making him physically comply.

Leading the young Horse with Clarity and Quality by Alternative Horsemanship

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares a brief clip of her working with this 2-year-old Cleveland Bay mare who had a history of bolting and Kicking. Sam prioritizes first getting the horse's mind, then asking for physical movement. Everything in the Communication with the horse is a preface for Quality future interactions. The first few sessions with this horse, Sam didn't even catch her as the young mare had no concept of personal space and was defensive towards pressure. Instead, she was worked with loose in the pasture to give her space and time to process and become mentally available.

Commonality in Conversations with Horses- it isn’t about Task Fixation


One of the themes of recent is discussing a positive alternative vs. a critique.