Equestrians - Preparing for the Spring Riding Season by Alternative Horsemanship

Preparing for the Spring Riding Season
Looking ahead to the upcoming riding season, whether you ride for pleasure or are a competitor, you can strive to offer a supportive partnership towards your horse. I will touch on two concepts that you can start considering, without even having to battle the outdoor winter conditions!

Online Horse Video Learning to Improve the Rider and Equine Partnership

Jump Start your 2022 Horsemanship Goals

Save big on the following Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach webinars and courses:

*Fifteen For Friday Video Vault with over 60 videos
*Anxious & Returning Rider Series
*Mindful Significance Horsemanship 3-Part Webinar
*Reading the Horse 7-Part Equine Behavior Course

20% off now through Feb 5, 2022
Use Discount Code: HAPPYNEWYEAR

Click this LINK for access to the full video coaching experience unlike any of the "same old," after-the-fact, reactionary horsemanship teaching approaches.

Challenging and Isolated Journey of Seeking Quality Horse

In the past few weeks so many horse people have reached out from all over the world sharing heartfelt (and some gut wrenching) stories of the trials and tribulations of their Horsemanship journey.

Horse Training: Helping the Equine that Bucks & Bolts Build Confidence...

Despite a horse going through the motions of exposure and learning, does not mean that his confidence is increasing, irrelevant of all of his new experiences.

Horse Humor: Interpreting the For Sale Advertisement

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey shares some of the common statements found in horse sales ads and her experience of translating what they mean.

Horse Communication Skills

 Hjalmar learning to "follow a feel."

New Year New Goals- Improving and Evaluating the Equine Relationship

 New Year New Goals- Assessing and Improving the Equine Partnership

This is the week without fail that I start getting "urgent" pleas from horse folks for advice with decisions about whether or not to keep their current horse.

I came with these six GOALS to help equine enthusiasts keep perspective when assessing their horse relationship.

I see so many horse people posting photos and referring to the horse like the animal is an accessory. 

The focus tends to be on the human agenda, rather than addressing the Quality of what THE HUMAN is bringing to the Equine Partnership.

Too many riders are so very quick to critique the horse without ever acknowledging how their own grey-area, inconsistent, unfair communication is influencing the unwanted responses in the equine.

Buying and selling a variety of different horses isn't going to "fix" anything if the person is still unable to recognize, believe, and address horse behavior nor will it improve their skill-set.

Perhaps let's make the GOAL for the upcoming year to focus on improving ourselves rather than blaming the horse.

Horse Help and Advice by Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey

Horse Help and Advice 

I receive daily pleas for help from good-intentioned people who in their attempts to save the troubled, neglected, or abused horse, and are now far in over their head in the responsibility it takes to truly rehabilitate a horse rescued from severe circumstances. 

Unfortunately, as people are "paying" the price financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically, it is the horse who ends up in yet another bad scenario. 

Please seek the help of professionals experienced with all this involved in the rescue and rehabilitation of the horse.