Ask the Trainer: Difficulty Leading Horse & Respect on the Ground

Horse Behavior Question:

Say that I am taking my horse out of a pasture (through a gate) or leading my horse around. If my horse becomes spooked or just misbehaves (bucking, kicking out, rearing, and running ahead of me, hard to control), what EXACTLY should I do in that situation? How should I control my horse? Should I turn them in a tight circle or back them up? I am clueless!  

October Alternative Horsemanship™ Livestreams


Please note the October Alternative Horsemanship™ Livestreams will both be on the same weekend of the 5th & 6th, 9 am pdt.

Join the Locals Community to participate.

Horse Skills Refinement Opportunities


Horse Skills Refinement 

So many everyday horse interactions lead to mindless patterns that unintentionally teach the equine unwanted responses, avoidance, and defensiveness toward human communication. Taking that extra minute or changing the path can allow for a check-in opportunity to assess (and address) the horse's mental, emotional, and physical state. Do so, is what contributes to developing reasonable, adaptable horses. 

 The sorrel horse arrived a few weeks ago chaotic, anticipative, tension-filled, and defensive towards human communication.

Mindful vs Mind Full Horse Interactions the human


A common challenge many equine enthusiasts face is struggling with the anticipation of "what will happen" when with their horse.
There is a fine line of being aware of your surroundings, and things that are occurring at the moment, but to also not fixate on these and the potential outcome.

Horse Learning

 "People can only meet you at the depths in which they meet themselves," The Art of Noticing

I find this amplified in observing those on "the horse journey." The availability of a person curious and committed to learning, searching, trying, and experimenting to improve their horse skills is relative to their current mental and emotional state.

Same with their choice to neutrally acknowledge and believe the horse's feedback reflecting holes in his education or triggers in what he experiences during human interactions. Seeing it as insight of where or what to address to help the horse through defensiveness or fear... or the more common approach of quashing and critiquing his communication, because of how it makes the person feel.

Subtle Horse Behavior- can you recognize the difference? Alternative Horsemanship™


 If you haven't checked out the Remote Horse Coach video catalog lately, you might do so to see the latest horse behavior courses, webinars, and classes.

Recognizing subtle horse behavior with Alternative Horsemanship™

 If you haven't checked out the Remote Horse Coach video catalog lately, you might do so to see the latest horse behavior courses, webinars, and classes.

The Search - Engaging the Horse's Mind to create willing Behavior

 In Conversations with the horse we are asking them to mentally "search" for what is being presented, and then to physically act upon those thoughts.

It could be a variety of scenarios, such as for them to find a specific location to stand in while they are loose in the pasture/stall/round pen, it could be for them to stand in their "box," (what I define as the imaginary, spatially respectful distance near us,) as we ask them to wait. It could be maintaining a soft feeling on the rein as we ride, it could be the horse tracking straight on an imaginary "line" we visualize.