Decreasing the stress of hauling horses

 Decreasing Stress when Hauling Horses 

As the weather starts to cool and the animals begin to grow their winter coat, I take it as my cue to make preparations for heading south. Packing is like a chess game with the weather and logistics... timing is everything.

Every spring and fall I make the 1,400 mile drive from either the Mexico to the Canadian border, or vice versa. I'll have anywhere between four to 10 horses, dogs, cats, and some years, even chickens! I've been making the journey for 20+ years...

One of the big stress contributors for people hauling horses is due to a lack of preparation in multiple aspects.

Sometimes not "having" the thing you need while traveling with horses, or the stress of how well a horse will load or haul, perhaps concern about towing a trailer, etc. Whatever the case is, everyone, can always prepare better to decrease and diffuse the stress levels in the horse and themselves by building up to the actual haul by addressing each aspect involved in increments... 

Though there are many aspects that I could address- here are my top 5 suggestions to make it a smooth experience:

LEARN how to drive your rig (empty.)

That means you should feel comfortable understanding your tow vehicle's turn radius, practice driving in stop-and-go traffic and learn the time it takes to slow down a vehicle hauling live weight, as well as learn how to back your trailer.

I can't tell you the amount of stress alleviated by those who are comfortable driving because they have put in enough "practice" hours to feel confident to navigate traffic, tight turns, and backing up.

Go use the neighbor's field, practice in an empty parking lot, use a competition facility. Have someone with you that will NOT (i.e. probably not your spouse/partner/or good-intentioned-know-it-all-horse-friend)stress you out.

Know your route- and alternative options- regarding refueling, overnight layovers (for horse and humans) and stay current on weather conditions.

I know Google can seem to be a godsend, but if you're anywhere remote, so often there is no coverage and you really don't want to be sorting out on your phone while driving. You also need to know your options in case weather becomes a factor (example, as I drove through one 300 mile stretch in Montana once, there was a bad blizzard, the highway was literally shut down, and there was NO other route option without a six-hour detour.)

Google isn't always accurate. Yup. It's true. So I suggest to folks always have an "old school" back-up (but current) map in hand, write out contact info, addresses, etc. for layovers so that you can double-check, especially if having to make unexpected route changes.

Learn how fast you go through fuel when hauling the trailer so you can learn to plan where and when you'll need to refuel. Yes, we've all done it at least once in our lives, but to be stuck on the side of the road, waiting for road services to bring you gas can put a real damper on the trip. Plus, if you're in remote locations, there may NOT be options at every town to refuel or stations may close early depending on the day/time 


Practice Loading and Unloading your Horse-

In very awkward places. That being said, first get them confident to load in general. But then you might take them to a horse event where there's lots of noise, chaos, and distraction.

I remember decades ago, the stress of hauling horses that had issues with loading, and always wondering if something happened, and I had to unload, would I be able to get them loaded again with ease. Many people experience this. Not fun to carry the mental stress and safety-wise, if you had to unload and reload, you need a horse that feels confident in the trailer, irrelevant of the circumstance.

BYOB- Bring your own bale...and anything else helpful.

So many times people don't bring enough feed, water from the regular source the horse drinks from, grain, salt, etc. Whatever you might need, bring it... Whether it may be Bute for an older arthritic horse or water laced with electrolytes, do not rely on refilling water at gas stations, or limit the feed you bring expecting the trip will only take a certain amount of time. Things happen, sometimes there are delays. The least stressful thing you can do is keep your horse on the same feed regiment and have access to water that "smells like home." Though your horse may not quite eat or drink as much as usual, having the option to consume familiar food and water increases the chances of them staying hydrated.

Rest stops and Layovers... Are for RESTING

The horse is walking the entire time the trailer is moving. Whether you stop for gas, for a rest or layover, leave your horse alone. I can't tell you how many times I've watched folks "stretch" their tired horse by moving and moving them around. Let them be still.

And finally here are my personal TOP must-haves in an easy-to-access place:

Knife- whether for hay or anything else

Baling twine- it can seriously secure ANYTHING

Duct tape- another "cure-all" for the unexpected

Equine medicines & Emergency kit

Spare Halter and Lead Rope

Manure fork

Cash- you never know when the kind citizen helps you out in an unexpected scenario or the auto shop does a "closed hours deal" to help get you on the road faster. Most layover facilities prefer cash payment too.

Healthy Snacks and Water for you

Great music playlist or some interesting book on tape

Change of clothes, with layers for unexpected weather

Headlamp - with charged batteries

Roadside Assistance membership

Phone Car Charger

There is, of course, a lot more I could add, but this will give you a good jump start... I'm going to get back to packing.

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