Explaining Horse Behavior - Raising Awareness

Alternative Horsemanship Word of the Day...

Over the years, I have developed my own lingo when I'm teaching students. I thought I would share some of the words that I bring up to make a point to students of what is often normalized or ignored, should not be part of the equine interaction. It can reflect defensiveness, tension, and anticipation in the horse.
Word of the Day: Accordion Effect
Shortening of the horse's topline: from the tips of the ears to the base of his neck, to the withers, through the back, along the top of the hindquarters, and down into the horse's hocks. 
This creates stiff and resistant movement, with the stride short and choppy, similar to the upright movement of a sewing machine needle. The equine's step has a more up and down action rather than rhythmic, balanced, forward rotation in a relaxed manner. Often, there's a rocking or stepping back to go forward.
This reflects a horse that lacks a "forward-thought," with his entire body shortened, similar to that of an accordion.

Refining Ground Work with the Horse


Whenever I show up to work with a horse I go through a mental checklist assessing things such as:

Where is the horse’s mind today?
How is the horse looking/feeling in his postures, breathing, and movement?
What was the feeling or energy he offered when greeting me in his pasture or stall?
Does he seem mentally available as I ask to halter, lead, and stop at the gate?
If I ask for him to change his focus, "let go" of a mental distraction, decrease/increase his energy, step on/at a specific spot, or pause while I "fix" something else, is he getting defensive for my opinions or his he willing to try?

Empathy + Horses 🚫= Weakness


There is a constant human imposition upon each other and horses... 

Unrealistic ego-based demands without having accountability as to how a person's clarity of thoughts and intention, quality of communication, adaptability in energy, accuracy of timing, and everyday mindless interactions, are constantly "teaching" horses unwanted responses that people then criticize and chastise the equine for.

Alternative Horsemanship™ December Livestreams



Join the Alternative Horsemanship Locals community to watch. Replays available throughout the month.

Horse Maturity- Is the horse too young?

 Gentle Reminder...

Although most equine enthusiasts want to do right by their horse, many people are pushed into starting to ride horses at far too young of an age.

Improving Horse Skills- Horse Tips by Alternative Horsemanship™

 Links of Communication 


What does the mounting block, walking out a gate, loading into a horse trailer, crossing over a tarp, or passing through a stream have in common?

None of them are about the actual task. Instead, they can all reflect if there is quality, intentional, specific communication or if one lacks having the tools to present scenarios without overwhelming the horse. Each is an Opportunity to refine first engaging and directing the horse's focus, then asking for adaptable, specific, intentional movement.

Aggressive Horse Behavior or Pain


Meet Peggy. (Re-Post shared by follower.)

Peggy is the skeletal remains of a polo pony mare that was euthanized due to dangerous behavior. It was said that she, and I quote, "was trying to kill people". 

Human Emotions and Horse Problems

 Emotions have been "high" here in the USA... and the residual effects will remain. Some folks are feeling very confident, while others are devastated. Either way, many equine enthusiasts "seek refuge" in spending time with their horse as a reprieve from politics, daily life stresses, and the future unknowns...