Horsemanship Pressures : Making appropriate choices for you and your horse

The initial romanticized idea of what equine ownership can be, inspires many people to commit to buying a horse, but it can quickly diminish with the realities and learning curve they experience.  I’ve found that there is a preliminary assumption, that because someone is able to financially “buy” a horse, there is an expectation that the horse is “waiting” to do whatever the person asks of him. 

Demo Day April 10, 2017 Oakzanita Ranch

FINAL CA Clinic of the season... April 7-11 Oakzanita Ranch, Descanso CA. Here's what's special... there will be a DEMO day!
There are still a few one hour, private, participant spots available, Clinic audit/participant info
Photo Credit M Canfield
ASAP to sign up!
Auditing is free every day EXCEPT Monday April 10 from 9-4 which will be a demo day. I'll work with five different horses (spots already filled) that I've never worked with before! Cost is $50/day to audit and here's why...
Below is the "sales pitch" blurb and explanation as to why the audit fee is on the DEMO day:
"Sam does not offer books or DVDs to read or watch as her utmost priority with her teaching is clarity for both the horse and human. Spending the day auditing her working a variety of horses will allow you an intensive opportunity to watch real life scenarios unfold. As they do, as an auditor, you will be able to ask, discuss and mentally digest many of Sam's approaches and training theories that contribute to building a solid foundation and partnership with the horse. It will be the chance to watch in a short period of time how to assess a horse, "start a conversation" with the horse to achieve mental availability, and then a variety of ways to communicate spatially and with the use of aids to build the horse's confidence, focus and willingness to participate, which in the long term then leads to the ideal riding partner. There will be lots of opportunities for discussions, Q & A and much more than what is covered when folks audit individual sessions."
If you have questions or would like to audit you may PM or just show up with a chair and lunch!
Hope to see you there!

Sending your horse to the Horse Trainer: Things to consider

The idea for this blog has been in the back of my mind for a while, but the other day as I was about to cross-post a different blog on a blog directory, three titles of articles written by other folks caught my eye.  Each of their blogs was mocking/sarcastic comments about horse trainers and their cliché attitudes towards clients. Sadly, there was a lot of truth in what was being written.

Pain in horses- an unaddressed common denominator

Pain in horses- an unaddressed common denominator

Let me preface this blog by saying I am NOT any of the following: veterinarian, equine nutritionist, equine dentist, farrier, equine chiropractor, equine naturopath or any other medical-related equine professional. 

What I am is an equine professional who sees/handles hundreds of horses a year of varying ages and breeds, with differing degrees of training and exposure/experience in both competitive and pleasure disciplines.