Ask the Horse Training: Breaking down the philosophy and training theories of Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey

Ask the Horse Training: Breaking down the philosophy and training theories of Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey

Over the past three decades, I have had a variety of Ask the Horse Trainer “problem situations” regarding horses offering unwanted behavior and their owners at a loss as to what to do. Typically horse owners who write in asking for help with their “problem” horse are doing so from a mainstream perspective searching for a “how-to” or quick fix answer to change their horse’s behavior. This means that generally the questions are asked with a sole focus on the unwanted behavior these horse owners are seeing, experiencing, or trying to change. They are trying to STOP the unwanted physical action of the horse. Sorry but I’m the wrong person to offer what I call the “McDonald’s Fix” solution- in my mind, you cannot work with horses in a “standardized” manner with a step by step solution.

I have included several of the Questions sent to me. As you read through each of the presented scenarios I want to preface your thoughts with the core of my philosophy and training style.

If you notice I have termed my philosophy as Alternative Horsemanship- this is because what I offer is not to address the horse’s unwanted behavior, but rather to get people to open their minds to begin a search for how they can communicate clearly in order to influence their horse’s mind. If you can get your horse to THINK about what you are asking of him, he will physically address and “try” whatever scenario you have presented to him.

Too many times though, in all of the cases included below, the person is attempting to STOP an already occurring behavior. This means the person is trying to “fix” the symptom rather than the real issue at hand. By the time a horse is responding dramatically- biting, kicking, resistant to going forward, difficult to handle/ride, etc. the horse has already spent a long time asking for help. In too many cases horse owners have either missed, ignored, or not correctly translated all of the times their horse did ask for help in a “reasonable manner.” The more the horse was ignored, the more he felt he was “alone” when having a problem. Eventually confirmed that people are not “there” to help him, he will then resort to any “naturally” defensive behavior that may help “protect” him in his mind. A horse’s unwillingness to participate reasonably, respectfully, and confidently with/towards people is because people don’t make him feel GOOD about life.

The first priority needs to be for horse owners to assess their own mental clarity, patience, and persistence in order to “play detective” with their horse in order to search for the ROOT CAUSE of the real ISSUE that is creating the unwanted, dangerous, disrespectful behavior that they are experiencing from their horse.

Whether you are the person who wrote in one of the questions below, or fellow horsemen enjoying this article, take a moment and attempt to assess each of the questions/scenarios presented and try to “dissect” the so-called issues (which are really symptoms) into what might be the real issue at hand.

Until people learn to address the horse’s brain FIRST, they are only being “hopeful” about getting a change in the physical behavior/action of the horse. Instead of offering a step-by-step “Answer” to the questions submitted, my goal is to stimulate horse owner’s thinking, raise their awareness, and encourage them to step back and re-evaluate the relationship they have with their horse.

There can be many ways to influence a change in a horse’s brain- depending on the confidence, experience, and clarity of communication from a person using spatial pressure, physical pressure, or in some cases vocal pressure.

But the real foundation comes from a person’s ability to “ignore” the flamboyant and distracting movement the horse is offering (which is the horse’s most natural defense when not sure, worried, or insecure) and look at all the signs in which the horse is TRYING to communicate with the person.

For most scenarios that people “present” or ask a horse to address the horse could care less about. In fact, most scenarios people present only make their horses feel worse about life. So in order to build that ideal trusting partnership based on clear communication that both you and your horse can enjoy you’ll need to SLOW DOWN- STEP BACK- EVALUATE (you, your horse, your aids, your intentions, your standard, your clarity- physically and mentally in how you interact with your horse, etc.) and you’ll most likely be able to start to find the missing or skipped parts in your horse’s education or lack of understanding.

People need to raise their standards- first within themselves and then for their horse. The ride begins when you THINK about going for a ride. Every moment, every step, you are setting the “tone” for your interaction with your horse.

When you go to catch your horse (from pasture, stall, etc.) does he come to you? Does the lower his head for the halter? Does he get heavy on the lead rope as you walk off? Does he move at whatever pace you set? Does he stay out of your personal space as you stop, turn, walk-off, open/close the gate? Does he stand quietly tied? How is he when he is groomed, tacked, led to where you will mount? Does he look to participate when you climb aboard- i.e. line up for the mounting block, shift his weight so he is standing balanced when you climb on, etc. Can he stand quietly with you sitting on him? Can he literally look towards a direction (whether asked from the ground with a lead rope or in the saddle with the reins) without having to just “move” without mentally committing to where he is going? Do you understand that liberty work in the round pen or your groundwork should be a MENTAL warm-up/exercise not a physical “burning off of energy”- there should not be brainless movement with your horse running round and round. Can your horse look and take ONE step at a time? Does he respond to your energy in the saddle? Can you have varying degrees of energy within each gait? Does your horse anticipate the “routine” of your ride? If your horse is distracted can he “let it go” with just a wiggle of the rein or lead rope from you? If your horse is having a problem- does he react and move “big” or can you ask him to stop and literally look and address what is bothering him? Can you ask everything you’d want when riding your horse from the ground first? Do YOU understand the relationship in preparing your horse from the ground (a safe place) and how and the way in which you communicate should translate to when you are asking the same things from in the saddle? Do YOU understand the bit does not stop the horse? Do you realize that a horse feels a fly land on him- so every move you make when you touch your horse, from your breathing to your aids, to your mental intention your horse FEELS? Lazy horses, horses without “work ethic,” dull horses, etc. are the same as horses that cannot stand still- they are all insecure about what will be asked of them- one group “avoids” going forward to not “feel bad” and the other wants to “hurry up and get it over with” so they can quit feeling bad. Spurs, whips, tie-downs, martingales, etc. do NOT help give you better “control” of your horse- only the false illusion that you have control until the “dramatic” moment you find out they don’t work. Do you recognize that every aspect and level of quality you get from your horse starting from first catching him is setting the “tone” for the upcoming ride? Do you use every “opportunity” you can to HELP your horse or do you demand his participation without true quality communication and support from you? Your horse’s general attitude towards you is a reflection of his mental and emotional feeling about his history of working with you- if he comes away from each session feeling “defensive,” it sets the tone for the next session for him to anticipate another worrisome experience.

The list goes on and on. Trailer loading, crossing water, standing on the tarp, desensitizing to the plastic bag, pulling back, misbehaving for the farrier, ground tying, jumping, chasing/roping cattle, lateral movements, leaving the herd, trail riding spookiness, rearing/kicking/biting, and many more “problems” people have with their horses come from HOLES in the foundation of the horse’s education (and the owner’s) and therefore neither party has clear quality “tools” in order to communicate effectively (when you do something, it must mean something to the horse) in order to influence the horse’s mind to get a change in his physical activity.

Horses don’t “randomly” do things. Nor do they do things “all of a sudden.” Believe your horse when he shows any sign of concern, worry, fear, or that he might be having a problem. Put yourself in your horse’s spot- if you were having a major problem, worry, fear, etc., and every time you asked for help you were not only ignored but reprimanded, how would you start to feel or react? They are operating with two motivating priorities in life- survival, and eating. Horses are herd animals- they NEED a leader. When you and your horse are together you create a herd. Guess who needs to take responsibility as the leader? YOU DO. Don’t try to “be nice,” “love your horse,” or be “hopeful” when you interact with your horse. Instead, be clear in what, when, and how you offer communication with a priority on your horse’s brain and you will create the desired physical change.

Lastly- don’t let people’s concept of “time” influence how you work with your horse. Look at how many years it takes to educate people. The same goes for horses, it’s a lifelong journey. It’s a constantly evolving process. I always say ten quality minutes versus an hour of mediocre can make all the difference.

No matter what, where, how, when, or why, if I ask something of my horse he needs to mentally address me and offer a mental and physical effort or “try.” He may not be great at what I ask, but I’m looking for mental participation- this will lead to building confidence emotionally that will lead to physical relaxation which then creates the “ideal ride.”

Good Luck,

For more “detailed” answers please visit my Ask the Trainer page. To find out about Sam’s Full Immersion Clinics or bringing her to your facility to teach her philosophies and theories please email her directly.


Topic_Info: Shetland stallion behavior change
Website_Info: By accident
Location: Scotland
Date: April 04, 2011

26 year old Shetland stallion. Outlived his purpose & was to be p.t.s so I took him in. Background history: very nervous, wont tie up for grooming, never had a rug on, never had feet trimmed properly. Had he for 5 months now, managed to get anti midge rug on him after a very bad bout of lice & sweet itch? Trusted me explicitly, managed farrier twice with me holding a feed bucket of carrots whilst getting done. This month his behavior has changed. He pushes at me in stable, moves sideways and bolts backwards when I groom him and overall very fidgety and impatient. Still cannot tie him up as he panics and working with him outside is a certain no (even grooming). He feels safe and secure in his stable. He is on no hard feeding now that the spring grass is through. In at dawn and dusk for midges, ad lib hay when stabled. Behavior change was sudden. I have never owned a stallion and wonder if it’s to do with breeding time? Has pastured on his own (fights with other ponies apparently) strip grazing paddocks, no other ponies nearby, grass is short and sparse due to rotation frequently

Topic_Info: Riding problems
Website_Info: searched for it
Location: TN
Date: April 02, 2011

I just recently got my quarter horse, thoroughbred cross mare broke she is about 3 years old, she rides well but refuses to gallop or trot when I kick her or ask her to do it. She throws her ears back and stops and some times tries to kick; this is something recent she has started to do... She also does this when I try to exercise her in the round pin she doesn't like to pick speed up, I know she can run because she does with her mom, but she will not for me. I think it is because her mother, whom she is in the field with she acts badly all the time. I was wondering if I took her out of the field would she act better when I ride her. She is a sweet horse and this is a concern.


Topic_Info: ground work
Website_Info: internet
Location: Google
Date: April 02, 2011

I wanted to free lunge my new mare the way I do with my other two horses, but when I took the whip to the center of the arena to use as a prop, she moved right up next to me. It was as if she was trained to do that. I don't know very much about her and can't ask the owner, so her behavior is a bit confusing to me and I want to understand her behavior. Is this training you are familiar with? My other horses are trained to move away from the whip, she moved into the whip? In fact, I can't get her to move away from me?


Topic_Info: She’s inexperienced
Website_Info: Google
Location: Port Hope ON CA
Date: April 02, 2011

I have just started riding at a new barn and the horse I have chosen to part-board is inexperience and only has a few miles riding time on her. She isn’t dangerous or anything, in fact she has a very kind heart, but I wanted to know if there were any trust building exercises other then join up as we have already had success in that. Thanks!


Topic_Info: Horse anxiety
Website_Info: Google
Location: MI
Date: March 31, 2011


My horses have separation anxiety, and today it had gotten so bad that my horse had almost gotten hit by a car. I was riding one horse while the other was tied on a lunge line where the horse I was riding could see it. Well, the tied horse purposely broke the rope, and ran out to the road, causing the horse I was riding to buck so I could not climb off safely. What should I do to prevent this from happening? I have tried everything and nothing is working.

Topic_Info: biting and disrespecting people
Website_Info: just typed in a question on internet browser
Location: Ontario
Date: March 29, 2011
My 2 year old paint gelding is constantly biting, I bought a grazing muzzle for him, tried disciplining him, have a trainer that has been working with him for 2 months and he isn’t getting any better. Last night he tried to bite me with the muzzle on so I slapped him which makes him rear, strike and threaten me...tried everything don’t know what else to do


Topic_Info: bad attitude
Website_Info: search
Location: Bakersfield
Date: March 17, 2011
I have a Morgan quarter horse cross; I have only had her about 3 months. She is terrible on the lead rope bucking jerking trying to bolt. She always acts like she is in a bad mood, and it’s a fight to get her to do anything. She is 15 years old. I have done a lot of ground work with her, including round pen work. I was able to get her to "pony up" after a month of hard work. She jerked me so hard on the lead rope the other day that it felt like I bruised a rib, I made her back up (the circles make it worse tried that too) and she quit for a brief moment then starting crow hoping. I need help I love her but I don’t want her or I to get injured. Please help


Topic_Info: riding problems with new horse
Website_Info: Search Engine
Location: Val
Date: March 16, 2011
I have a Tenn. Walking Horse who I cannot get to move forward without another horse in front of him. I have tried starting with a squeeze from my legs and working up to kick and I still can't get him to go. If other horses are tied at the end of the arena he will just stop. When I try and turn him he will toss his head and side step. Should I try reinforcing the cue with a tap with a crop behind my leg? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Topic_Info: horse training
Website_Info: just looking around
Location: Kansas
Date: March 16, 2011

I have a very lazy horse and every time I want him to trot or canter behind me- just following me, he will pin his ears the whole time but he will still do it. I know it’s a respect issue but how can I get his respect in this area? He'll do everything else I want him to do just fine...

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post.... It is so important for people to understand that it's really the human that needs to change first and there are no quick fixes for that either!
    Horsemanship is a lifelong journey...

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central


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