Horse Help: Spooking, bolting, dangerous behavior- Symptom vs Root Cause

Recently I did an interview sharing my Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach horse and riding training approaches. I wanted to share a video clip from it regarding unwanted, dangerous, behavior in horses. Scary horse reactions such as a horse that will spook, bolt, buck, or those that seem to outright ignore the rider can cause fear and anticipation in both the human and equine. 

Common "solutions" taught to equine enthusiasts offer instruction attempting to address the horse at his peak stress and teach how to try and contain the unwanted behavior or ride out the dangerous reactions from the animal. 

What if instead, riders learned to recognized and diffuse the contributing root cause(s) that led to the horse eventually becoming overwhelmed? When he is unable to contain his mental and emotional stress, spooking, rearing, bucking, and bolting occurs. 

If horseback riders learned to recognize their horse's initial mental anticipation, to believe it, and HOW to address it, then the physical dramatic, and dangerous behavior diminishes until it is eventually reasonable.

Interested in learning to understand your horse's behavior? Visit the VIDEO CATALOGUE or learn about the Individual Remote Coaching Options

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