The Human Intention- Influencing the horse's mental, emotional, and physical responses

Until humans figure out what we are bringing to the equine partnership, we cannot offer the horse clear, intentional, specific, and segmented communication they so often need.
I once had finished teaching a six-day Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey clinic and there was a student who was retelling his morning interaction with the horse. Things had not gone as he expected, and he was negatively referring to the horse's behavior in human emotional terms.
As we spoke, the horse was standing saddled and wearing a halter and lead rope. There was lots of slack in the rope as the man held it, and he was facing me as he spoke, with the horse a bit behind him. While he was talking, the horse fussed, bounced and moved around in slow chaos.
Then I started talking about our emotions influencing our intentions. How even if we weren't being aggressive, the horse could decipher the intent.
As the man started thinking through this, the horse started moving less. Then as the human was pondering and voicing how to change his own thoughts, the horse started yawning, chewing, yawning, blew his nose, softened his posture, and yawned more.
The man had never moved, nor changed how he loosely held the rope.
Everyone watching couldn't believe the complete shift in the horse; it did not even look like the same animal.
So the question is never, "if the horse could," it is, "Would most people 'go there", in terms of being able to openly assess themselves honestly to become more available and present to work WITH the horse.

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