Learn horse behavior, communication, and improve horsemanship skills in weekly articles by Alternative Horsemanship™ with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach. Coaching riders of all experience levels in clinics worldwide, distance horse instruction, and consults. 200+ video catalog has webinars, courses, livestreams, classes, and more. #alternativehorsemanship
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Private Individualized Horse Clinics with Samantha Harvey
Find out more about Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey and the Private Individualized Clinics she offers at The Equestrian Center, LLC in Sandpoint, ID
Recent feedback from a Private Clinic participant:
"I'm so thrilled, I just have to tell my friends. Samantha Harvey is awesome. After two days and 6+ hours of lessons, I can say it is the best money I ever spent. As an example, the last thing we did was loading. In 20 minutes she had me loading Sunny very quietly and gently, literally step by step in and out. I rode Sunny in the round pen, getting her to turn left and right, all very gently, no fuss. Through the gate, step by step, all very calm. Absolutely amazing.
Does it work at home? Yep. Unloaded easily. Nice calm walk to the pasture and back. Brought her back to the pen, de-wormed her, no fuss.
Her technique is all about horse communication. Walking through the gate is the same as loading, walking though narrow spaces, putting on the saddle, etc. There's no going round and round in the round pen. I suspect you guys already know all about this. I guess Samantha just talked my language and it all made perfect sense to me. It's a process I can work with.
Bill B., Sagle, ID
Building Confident Horses
Confidence- just because a horse is going through the motions of "doing things" and is "learning" does not mean that he is gaining confidence and feeling secure from his experiences.
Mental and Physical Avoidance Horse Behavior: The Accordion Effect
Being Hopeful in our Riding leading to Unwanted Horse Behaviors
Live Q & A - Fifteen for Friday
Horsemanship and Horse Training in the real world
Training with Reality
Most folks do not rely on their horse for their livelihood and therefore lack a perspective of what kind of quality partner they could have and would need if their life literally depended on their horse.
The picture I have included was taken from the time I spent on the north rim of the Grand Canyon. Besides the modern-day truck and trailer, much of the day-to-day life was just as it was 100 years ago, including staying in cabins with no water or electricity 40 miles from the closes paved road.
Keeping a Horse Riding/Activities Journal
Now, hold on and don't sigh yet... I'm not recommending a "write everything that was said or learned" journal. Instead think of it more as something to highlight 3 focus points from your session.
Staying Neutral
Don't focus on the big or obvious things and don't write your opinion such as "I like that my horse..." Write your entries from a neutral perspective rather than an emotional one and jot several focus points that you worked on with your horse. The sooner you can make your entry after your ride the more accurate it will be. "Life" can happen and even just a day or two later you'll forget a lot of what you had noticed during your last session with your horse.
What to write about
You may want to include: what, when and how you asked something of your horse. Then observe the level of his participation mentally, emotionally and physically to your communication. You'll find his physical participation will be a reflection of his mental and emotional availability towards you.
Why keep the journal?
Many times we think we "know" our horses, but all too often the little details escape us. Once you start to make it a point to raise your level of awareness when working with your horse, you'll find that you'll also start to "learn" a lot more about both yourself and your four legged partner.
Examples journal entries:
•How long into a session when working your horse either from the ground or when riding does it take for him to sigh, like his lips or blow his nose?
•Is he "patternized" and require a "routine warm up" or is he mentally available to address whatever you offer whenever you might present it?
•Does he "always" respond in the same manner when you ask a specific task of him?
•Evaluate yourself when you present one specific task for your horse. What did you learn about you? How, when, and why did you do what you did? What are other ways you might be able to communicate the same desired result using different aids?
Keep in mind
Health Wise- if you notice odd physical behavior (coughing, runny nose/eyes, soft stool, etc.) make a note of it. A lot of times it can help prevent or diagnose an on-coming health issue. Keep track of worming, vaccinations, shoeing, etc. and notice if there's a correspondence to a change in your horse's health.
Lameness- if you start to notice your horse becoming sore after a certain type of workout you might be able to "break down" what is causing this and prevent any long term damage.
Learning from YOU
Learn from the past- REVIEW past entries in your journal once month. You'll be amazed at how fast your level of awareness and sensitivity increases once you make a point of noticing the small details. You'll also be amazed at how much you "thought you knew" but then had forgotten as you advanced on. It's always a good idea to go back and review the basics no matter what level rider or horse you have.