Developing a Fulfilling Equine Experience

 Mindset Motivation

I often share this quote as I work to help educate folks to be more supportive of their horses.

Much of what dictates the success and quality of the horsemanship journey is based on the openness of the human putting themselves "out there" to be emotionally neutral and present in the moment. No critique or judgment towards themself. Letting go of comparing oneself with what "others" are doing. Eliminating unrealistic self-imposed time pressures. Finding fulfillment in learning how to learn, rather than trying to prove one can survive equine chaos.

When this happens, a majority of one's current (and potential future) stress, anxiety, and anticipation diminishes during the equine interactions.

Diminishing distraction and hopefulness, allows for real-time mental presence in the human giving themselves the time to think, make assessments, experiment, refine specificity, and offer relevant, adaptable communication. This type of interaction supports rather than challenges the horse to try what is asked of him.

These are part of the foundational skills needed to create a safe setting to develop having quality Conversations vs a screaming match with the horse. A calm in the communication offered creates a safe learning environment that develops trust between the horse and human which increases his willingness to participate in a reasonable manner.

When one shifts their mindset from passively hoping to avoid the horse's triggers or concerns to viewing scenarios as ongoing Opportunities to help the horse, it diminishes defensive and overwhelming equine behaviors.

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