Horse Learning- Are you helping or Hindering?

 Learning how to Learn

 I find the way most people offer information to the horse is with an expectation of tolerance by the equine. 

Rarely is there any consideration for being able to influence the horse's focus, redirect his thoughts, help him let go of physical tension, or have many of the other tools needed so that he can learn how to think through the unfamiliar, rather than just tolerate it.

Why does it matter?

Because each interaction you're teaching the horse to either become more weary and distrustful of the human experience, or you're increasing his curiosity and building his confidence for all that you ask of him in the future.

 The real motivation, even without acknowledging the horse and what he is experiencing, might come from asking oneself, "Wouldn't it be easier to set the horse up for success from the start, rather than having to undo unnecessary traumatic experiences and dangerous coping behaviors created because of hurried, unclear, and lack of quality human communication?" 

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Why Quality Comunication Matters

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Why Quality Communication Matters Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares her perspective of why quality communication is an invaluable tool in creating reasonable equine partners. Subscribe to the channel for weekly videos.

Horsemanship: Teaching the Young Horse to Tie

So many people set the horse up for failure because they don't teach a horse the necessary skills to understand what is being asked of him. Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey shares her perspective on when addressing the horse's brain affects his physical behavior to create "uneventful" scenarios, such as tying.

(Sound on)

Rescue Horse- Building Trust depending on the Human Intention

For those following Cinder's Journey... or those curious about what "it" could look like, when we start by considering the once defensive, fearful, reactive, abused horse...
You can subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel for weekly videos and teachings.
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Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Chaos, Horses & Help

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Chaos, Horses & Help Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares about recognizing the horse's chaos and common approaches used that often make things worse for the overwhelmed equine and add to the human's insecurity.

Subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel for weekly horse learning videos.

Ponying the Young Horse by Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey

In this brief glimpse into a session, Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey shares her perspective on ponying the young horse and breaks down the communication happening between the horse and rider.

Helping The Hyper Alert and Pushy Horse

Meet Moose
I did a lesson recently with Nora and Moose and thought it would be good to share. Much of what comes up in his "coping mechanisms" is very common with horses that are bigger in size.

Spooky, bolting, reactive horse help by the Remote Horse Coach

Do you have a "spooky/overreactive/hypersensitive/dramatic/flamboyant/neurotic/destructive" horse? 

You might want to read the following thoughts I shared with a client after her older horse arrived for an assessment:

Dear Sam: Horse Help * The Resistant Horse by the Remote Horse Coach

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *The Resistant Horse Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares her perspective on what creates the resistant horses and contributors to "all of a sudden" behaviors. Subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube channel or search #alternativehorsemanship #remotehorsecoach #dearsamhorseseries for all videos. In-Person Learning Distance Horse Coaching Alternative Horsemanship Video Catalog

Re-Introducing the Halter to the Fearful and Defensive Horse

This is Cinder a two-year-old horse that was rescued from a life of abuse. When she arrived she was fearful and defensive, wanted nothing to do with humans, and would try and climb over anything to get away from the human. 

The journey of reawakening her Curiosity, which will replace her fear, allows her to physically offer reasonable behavior. 

It is not one that you can make happen. It is about creating 2-way Communication, believing the horse's feet back, addressing their concern, and then allowing them the time to mentally process their new human experiences. 

This isn't about getting a halter on a horse, it is about setting the horse up for success for the rest of her life in the human world. 

Far too many people are rushing trying to accomplish a goal, rather than seeking the quality. Certainly, in the case of horses who have a history of abuse, there is nothing you will sneak past them. So the mental shift we need them to make must be 100%, otherwise, their old survival and behaviors re-emerge if humans attempt to contain them or make them comply, which will trigger the dangerous behavior.

The Young Horse: Dramatic, Reactive, Dangerous Behavior

 The MisUnderStood Horse

This is a two-year-old Andalusian who I just started working with recently. He reflects so many horses that I meet that are often deemed "bad, aggressive, stubborn, resistant," and all these other human-based emotional judgments, which have nothing to do with what the horse is experiencing or why his behavior is as it is.

Young Horse Training and Education- Mental, Emotional, and Physical Maturity

 Gentle Reminder...

Although most equine enthusiasts want to do right by their horses, many are pushed into starting to ride horses at far too young of an age.