Horsemanship- Allowing ourselves Permission to be Present

"Have to" often clouds our awareness and acknowledgment of the horse. It limits our ability to believe and be empathetic towards the horse.

Can horse goals be good? Absolutely
But what if our first Goal was to begin every session by letting our own distractions go. Exhaling our urgencies. Calming our emotions and energy. And being available to "hear" the horse's communication without Critique?
Learning to address the horse in the present helps us succeed with Quality in the future.
A reminder the first of three webinars is starting today:
🐎Building Confidence in Horse and Human Jan 22, 2022
🐴Horse Help: What am I missing? Feb 5, 2022
🐎Pressure Points: Unintentional Human Communication Feb 19, 2022

50-minute lecture with 10 minutes Q & A opportunity. If you miss the LIVE event replay is available.
Click the link for details

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Adaptable Energy Levels

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 

*Adaptable Energy Levels Sam will address why so many people are having issues with slowing down or getting their horses to speed up. She will explain with the superficial "fixes" of more equipment or stronger aids that do not improve the horse's response and what the root causes of unwanted behavior stem from. 

Reminder- Three Upcoming LIVE webinars- one starting January 1/22/22! 
Learn more here 

How do Improve your Horsemanship with Limited Time: Equine Learning


Valuable Time
Whether limited due to work, school, other commitments, weather, etc. I encourage people to spend any and as much Quality Time they can with the horse.

Horse Behavior- Reviewing the Release by The Remote Horse Coach

Reviewing The Release

As with everything, there are many interpretations when it comes to the terminology associated with horses. I try to be clear and precise in the words that I'm offering, but there still can be a gray area in the human student's understanding. This often comes from their level of awareness, background, and unintentional anticipation/expectation of their mind "getting ahead" of wherever they are currently at with their horse.

Alternative Horsemanship Horse & Rider Webinars- Online Equine Learning

All NEW 2022 Upcoming Remote Horse Coach Webinars - *Building Confidence in Horse and Rider Jan 22 *Horsemanship Help: What am I missing? Feb 5 *Pressure Points: Unintentional human communication Feb 19 Click the link to learn more

Horsemanship Webinars by Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach

Understanding Equine Behavior: Message in the Muzzle by Alternative Horsemanship

Message in the Muzzle

So many people are drawn to constantly want to touch or be close to the horse's muzzle area as it seems to provoke emotions in the human.
I have found one of the easiest ways to assess the horse's current mental, emotional, and physical state is reflected in how he holds his muzzle.

  • Are there wrinkles and worry lines above the nostrils or below the bottom lip?
  • Are the nostrils flared, is one held larger than the other, are they elongated and narrow, or look like they are inflated?
  • How fast is his breathing, when at a standstill? Are his breaths quick and short?
  • Is the bottom lip wrinkled up, and held with tension, or soft and hanging?
  • Is the area in general quiet and relaxed, or is there a lot of movement in the horse's upper and lower lips?
As you start to refine what you're noticing, watch for how quickly changes in the horse's emotional state are reflected in the physical tension or softness in the muzzle area.

Have you noticed any patterns or behaviors when working with your horse and what he displays in his muzzle area?