Horse Goals vs Creating a Quality Equine Partnership

Horse Goals vs Creating Quality Equine Partnerships

It is very easy to fall into a pattern of setting goals and getting fixated on them while losing sight of assessing if there's quality during the interaction with the horse.

What does Horsemanship mean? By Alternative Horsemanship the Remote Horse Coach

 Horsemanship... (my random morning thoughts)

Isn't a "thing" or a fad... it is a mindset influencing a way of being.

Equine Rehabilitation and Horse Re-education what is involved? Addressing the viral video

A recent video I posted on TikTok got over 1.1 million views in about 72 hours showing the Before and After of a horse that had arrived for "bad and dangerous behavior" issues such as biting, kicking, bucking, bolting, striking, etc. when the root cause was the amount of pain he was currently in, his past mental and physical traumas, and the strong distrust towards humans. This is a response video explaining what is involved in the way I approach equine rehabilitation and building the Horse's trust. Here's the link to the Before & After Horse Rehab video

Emergency Equine Evacuation Preparedness - Are you ready?

Equine Emergency Evacuation Preparedness Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach address Equine Evacuation Emergency Preparedness. Too many people, especially horse owners, make no preparations, have nothing packed, and have no plan in case of an Emergency Evacuation. Have you thought about your horse's emergency evacuation options in case of fire? What will you need to keep your horse safe during evacuation? How long you'll be away? Do you have travel items for you and your horse packed? Evacuation Route driving options? Enough horse feed and water? A safe destination?

Watch the video to be as best prepared as possible to keep your horse safe and healthy.

Re Assessing Your Horse's Tack Fit

Correct tack fit is a huge factor that can influence behavioral issues, the quality of interaction, and the horse's comfort. Horses can experience changes in their body depending on the season, level of fitness, and age, potentially creating ill-fitting tack. In this video, Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship video she offers suggestions for reassessing the safety and fit of your equine partner's tack.

What is it like being a Horse Trainer? Thirty years later

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares her unexpected journey as a horse trainer, developing equine partnerships, trauma, building trust and try, and setting the horse up for success in the human world. So much of the horse's initial training influences its future safety and well-being.

Time and Horse Improving Skills

Wonder if you're progressing with your horse? Do you feel pressured to keep up with your horse friends' accomplishments? Feeling stuck in your horse's training? In the latest Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series video Sam discusses *Time, horse skills, and how self-imposed urgencies are detrimental to the equine partnership.

What is it like being a Horse Trainer? Thirty years later

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares her unexpected journey as a horse trainer, developing equine partnerships, trauma, building trust and try, and setting the horse up for success in the human world. So much of the horse's initial training influences its future safety and well-being.