Misconceptions of a Confident Horse

Just because a horse is going through the motions of "doing things" and is "learning" does not mean that he is gaining confidence and or more curiosity from his experiences.

The horse may "quietly" tolerate a situation a few or even many times before he starts to show more obvious signs of stress, insecurity, or fear about what is being presented if he is being pushed to physically comply with the task given.

The Human Emotional Filter Sabatoging our Equine Partnership

The Human Emotional Filter
Frequently I've had posts shared with me about how "cute" something is in a horse, mule, or donkey's behavior. Unfortunately, when folks filter their interpretation of an animal's behavior with human emotions, it clouds their judgment in learning, recognizing, or believing what the animal is experiencing and communicating.

Curiosity in the Horse and Human

Curiosity in Horses... and Humans
One of the greatest challenges I have in so many cases of Equine Rehabilitation and Re-education is stimulating Curiosity in humans.

Horses amazingly enough, despite their past trauma, in most scenarios will still try, if given clear support and communication. As their fear diminishes, their curiosity increases.

But humans? Such a struggle. They become self-absorbed with fears, anticipation, what-ifs, distractions, and stories about "last time" which often become a fixation or mental block in their ability to be present in what is happening in "real-time."

Re Sensitizing the De Sensitized Horse

 Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series

Resensitizing the Dysfunctional Desensitized Horse
Explaining the increasingly common problems with desensitizing the horse, creating dangerous behaviors because of the equine's inability to think, try, or be adaptable to change.
Click the link to watch on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel.

Fearful and Reactive Horse Behavior

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 

Fearful and Reactive Horse Behavior 

Alternative Horsemanship the Remote Horse Coach discusses breaking down and understanding unwanted horse behavior recognizing the equine's feedback and differences between symptoms and root cause(s).

New videos posted on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel every Friday.

Click the link to watch now. https://youtu.be/_oIaZxvmj4I

Adaptability, Humans, and Horses


People and horses get stuck in mental and physical patterns during daily interactions. There is often a lack of clarity or specific communication offered during many familiar scenarios.

Patience, Horses, and Humans

 Patience, Humans & Horses

I've had many comments over the years about how I seem to never lose patience with the horse during moments that for most people would trigger a rollercoaster of emotions... such as in the scenarios of when a horse:

Resists being caught

Difficult to Trailer Load

Bolts when Led

Won't stand quietly tied

Avoidant towards the farrier

Has excessive movement when tacked or mounted

Is sensitive about fly spray or bathing

Is buddy or "barn" sour

Alternative Horsemanship Livestream- Improving Rider Specificity and Timing of Communication

Refining Rider Biomechanics to Improve Specificity & Timing of Communication
Part 3

Join the Alternative Horsemanship Livestream in the Locals community for a discussion on the biomechanics that influence the rider’s ability to improve the specificity and timing of communication offered to the horse.

Watch Now in the Alternative Horsemanship Locals Community
Saturday, September 30, 9am pst
Replay available

PC: Cassandra Kendall