Mind over Matter- Improving the Equine Partnership

This quote could apply to all aspects of our life, especially when it comes to the partnership with our horses.

I frequently have people jokingly tell me what I teach in the sessions with their horse, my philosophies and approaches, could be used in other aspects of their life.

It is true because it all comes down to the common denominator being the human factor.

Our thoughts influence our emotions which influence our behavior. This could contribute to both wanted and undesired outcomes, depending on our mindset.

This is why in so many of my posts I suggest to folks things such as:

To check-in mentally with themselves before they are ever in proximity to their horse.

To notice when they are feeling frustrated, overwhelming or fear, to pause and focus on their own thoughts to sift through them in order to become clear for their horse.

To assess their energy which they show up with and project unintentionally towards their horse.

By taking the time to slow down and notice if our thoughts are scattered or are unclear, we can learn to change the way in which we mentally approach a scenario with the horse.

To think, then act, is just as hard for the human as it is the horse.

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