Full Immersion Alternative Horsemanship Clinic 2023


Final Full Immersion Horsemanship Clinic
August 25-27, 2023
Sandpoint, ID
I was just notified there are participant openings in the Final Full Immersion Clinic

These clinics were developed to create various learning opportunities to help equine enthusiasts refine their understanding of equine behavior and communication. Sam includes numerous topics with participants learning while unmounted and mounted, and in individual and group sessions. These safe, fun, and supportive learning scenarios offer an in-depth, full-immersion experience.

Learn to recognize behavioral patterns sabotaging you and your horse's interactions, address "holes" you and your horse's understanding of one another, raise awareness of your mental presence and energy, refine the specificity of your communication, and improve the overall quality of the equine partnership while building trust with the horse.  The clinic offers a safe, non-critical environment where you are encouraged to take the time to recognize how, why, and what you're communicating with your horse.  These horsemanship clinics can be a great way to offer perspective and offer participants both short and long-term realistic approaches.  The structure and focus of the clinic will adapt to the participants' and their horses' abilities. Whether a trail rider, jumper, pleasure rider, competitive trail participant, endurance rider, work cattle, Dressage enthusiast, or have other equine interests, participants will be building and refining the quality foundation necessary to be successful in all horse activities!

Past Participant Comments:
"I think of Sam as a gifted translator between horses and humans. She’s able to show you what your horse is thinking through its carriage, breathing, and behavior. What I have learned from Sam is that the physical follows the mental which is very eye-opening coming from a traditional riding experience. This is so different from the conventional trainer who is ONLY focused on the physical." Vanessa, FL

"Thought I should tell you, though, how often I use the tools you give us. Feeding, leading, loading, riding, it doesn't matter what I'm doing, I'm far more aware of what my horses are feeling and thinking, which (as you obviously know!) leads to better communication and a positive outcome. I think the loading moments are my favorites...where is the brain?...come back to me!...oh, hello, you wanted what? Thanks for expanding the horizons of both me and my horse." Marilyn, WA

"It was a great weekend, Sam! My biggest takeaway was a profound realization that our horses need our support, guidance, and direction amidst the chaos in their heads that manifests as “busy-ness” or unwanted behaviors. Supporting our horses and redirecting their thoughts during those insecure moments, instead of critiquing them, teaches them that they can trust the human to be there for them. Trust that the human is worth following. When They can trust that you are looking out for them emotionally, mentally, and physically, a true partnership can develop with your horse. Now to go and do my best with each horse I interact with to apply these principles. I want to be worth following. Thanks!"
Jenni, Coconut Creek, Fl 

What is a Full Immersion Horsemanship Clinic?
The Friday through Sunday clinics focus on Equine Behavior Assessment, Clear Communication & Effective Aids, Ground Work, and Riding. We also cover a variety of topics such as anatomical lectures, tack fit and appropriate usage, "finding a feel" exercises, group discussions, and much more!

Who may participate?
From novice to advanced riders, I encourage participants of all ages, disciplines, and experience levels. Horses may range from un-started colts to experienced competitive horses, and everything in between.  This is not a "discipline-specific" clinic. Maximum of eight participants.

Can I bring more than one horse?
Yes.  One horse is included in the participant fee, if you would like to bring an extra horse to "split" sessions with, there is a $10/day fee.

Can I participate if I don't have my own horse?
At this time I have one lesson horse available that is offered on a first-come basis (depending on the order registration is received.)

Why no predetermined "format?"
This is an opportunity to learn about behavioral patterns in you and your horse and to address "holes" in the foundation of your equine partnership.  These may be influencing the quality of the relationship with your horse and are preventing you from achieving your goals.  The clinic offers a safe, non-critical, supportive opportunity where you are encouraged to take the time to recognize how what, and why you're communicating with your horse.  By watching other participants, people begin to see similarities in their own horsemanship. 

These horsemanship clinics can be a great way to offer perspective and offer participants both short and long-term realistic direction for them and their horses.  Beyond this basic outline, the structure and focus of the clinic will depend on the participants and their interests. Whether you are a trail rider, jumper, pleasure rider, endurance rider, and everyone else, there is much to be discovered!

How long is a session?
A clinic day begins at 8 a.m., with about an hour lunch break midday, and ends around 5 p.m.  I do not work by the clock but individual time is roughly 45 min to 1 1/2hrs several times a day and group ride time is longer.  There is a lot of group discussion in between rides further discussing things that arose in each person's session.

Is the instruction individual or group?
Both.  Initially, everyone gets one on one time, and then depending on the student and their horse's needs, they will continue to have individual time and/or group instruction.


What tack do I need?
The only requirement is that all riders must wear an ASTM-approved riding helmet.  There are helmets available to borrow for the clinic for a $10 fee.  Otherwise, tack is often assessed, adjusted for proper fit, etc. throughout the clinic.

How do I register?
If you would like to participate, a non-refundable 50% deposit to guarantee participant slots.

What does the clinic cost?
The cost to participate in the three-day clinic is $600.

May I audit?
Auditors may pay a daily or a discounted three-day fee.  They are encouraged to participate in all relevant group discussions.  The auditor fee is $50/day or a discount of $115/3 days.

Full Immersion Clinic 
The Equestrian Center
Sandpoint ID
August 25-27, 2023

Click HERE to register.

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