Improving Horse Skills & Refining Communication 


Why are you doing "that"?...

Catching the horse that way...

Grooming the horse in that place...

Mounting on that side...

Leading on that side...

Starting the ride in that direction...

Working on that specific movement... 

Think about your answers to "that" in each of the above scenarios. 

 Is there a reason behind your answers? Has the "basic" daily interactions become so familiar that you've unintentionally developed mindlessness while working with or around the horse?

How often before you ask something of the horse do you proactively check in assessing if there's mental availability and directability in the equine before asking him to move his body?

Do you ever assess if how you communicate was effective or if it created defensive responses in the equine? 

Do you consider how specific, segmented, or adaptable your energy is in the way in which you communicate with the horse?

Does "that way" of doing things create familiarity and tolerance in the horse or perk his interest and curiosity?

What do you "do" with the feedback the horse offers as you interact in "that" way?

Every time I am working with a horse there is a running commentary in my head as to what and how I'm offering something. I'm assessing what the horse is experiencing in the present moment, to adapt my communication to address, influence or redirect the horse's thought to then get reasonable and safe behaviors.

Learning to ask oneself questions to stay mentally present combined with acknowledging and addressing the horse's feedback, improves the human's ability to support the equine. This builds trust, try, and willingness in the horse.

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