Horse Training - The Illusion that causes Long-term Problems

 The Illusion of "Horse Training" 

One of the greatest negative contributors in the horse industry (to both the human and horse) is the misperception of "Horse Training."

Factors like the owner's experience, perspectives, goals, understanding of horse behavior (or lack of it) despite however long they have been riding, influence what Horse Training means to them, versus what the horse experiences with the trainer. 

For some, whose "world" is very small, much of the Training goals are about developing conditioned responses in the horse to create human convenience. This approach involves repetitiously presenting patterns and routines in the interaction to the point that the horse's mind frequently shuts down. His curiosity dissipates as he is grilled into becoming a non-resistant "broke" horse. 

Others rely on the human-convenient 30, 60, or 90 days " Horse Training Program" under the guise that the horse can now do "anything." The horses are often bombarded and overwhelmed with with so much desensitizing, tasks, and stimulus, they start stuffing their emotions, get defensive, carry continuous tension despite their slow movements, and are unavailable to try, think, or adapt. All too often the unsuspecting owner gets them home, does something in a way the horse didn't expect, and all the pent up emotions coming pouring out in dramatic physical behaviors.

If owners are not actively communicating or working with the equine professional, most have no idea as to what is being "done" with their horse. 

It is common for many "horse trainers" to use one approach or method when working with a variety of horses, irrelevant of if it is appropriate for the individual equine. The professional's inability or unwillingness to adapt to the horse's current maturity, mental state, and physically abilities (irrelevant of his age) leaves the equine often in an increasingly defensive state than when he first arrived.

Rarely do horse professionals have the skills, follow through, or desire to communicate clearly (or frequently) with the horse's owner to keep them informed as to how, what, and why certain things are taught and done with the horse. Owners bring home their horse with no idea as to how to interact with him, and then things fall apart because they are not presenting or doing things like the trainer did.

There's also the varying quality (or lack) of in the horse trainer's skills. Here in the US, anyone can hang a sign advertising as a trainer. I've encountered far too many "professionals" whose scope, experience, and ability to work with the horse is incredibly limited. 

When most owners consider Training, they have a no understanding in what they should be asking, seeing, and communicating with a trainer BEFORE enrolling their horse in a program. 

This leads to too many people getting their horse back from the trainer in a defensive, defeated state. 

I wonder what the concept of "training" would be if people viewed every moment of Interaction with the Horse as both a teaching and learning moment for BOTH the human and horse.

What if there wasn't the illusion or sales pitch that training would create an obedient, submissive animal? 

What if there was priority for the owner to invest time and effort into their own education and understanding along with that of the horse?

I won't even delve into the toxic, bullying, abusive relationship that often occurs between horse trainers and their clients. I have lost count of the calls from desperate horse owners who in their attempts to learn why the trainer is doing something extreme to the horse, experience defensive and hostile verbal attacks from the trainer as they attempt to defend harsh or severe training practices.

Please remember... you are your horse's voice.

This Friday's Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series will share tips on what to look for in researching a potential trainer.

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