Horse Behavior & Training- Links of Communication

 Links of Communication 

What does the mounting block, walking out a gate, loading into a horse trailer, crossing over a tarp, or passing through a stream have in common? 

None of them are about the actual task. Instead, they can all reflect if there is Quality, intentional, specific communication or if one lacks having the tools to communicate with the horse. Each scario is an Opportunity to refine first engaging and directing the horse's focus, then then asking for adaptable, specific, intentional movement. 

Each allows for an opportunity to help the horse learn how to think their way through a scenario, rather than just physically comply or mindlessly respond due to familiarity. 

The horse's physical feedback "afterward"- once the rider is in the saddle, if the horse immediately moves forward, if the horse rushes after passing through the gate, if the horse unloads from the trailer in a hurry, if the horse quickens and shortens his steps across the tarp, or if the horse lunges away from the stream, reflects what he experienced during the scenario was presented.

But most people fixate on the task, rather than initially addressing and educating the horse mentally and physically with the skills needed before presenting a scenario. 

How does the horse respond to physical and spatial pressure?

Can his mind be directed WITHOUT him moving his feet?

Can different area of his body move independent without a heaviness, 

brace or imbalance?

Are there varying degrees in his energy, 

When asked to halt does his mind pause with his feet?

Ignoring checking-in with where the horse's thought is or if he is directable- meaning you can offer a different thought than what he perhaps initially offered, creates inability to influence his energy or for him to mentally and physically pause.

This creates a "Let's see what happens," or a unintentional challenging of the horse to get "it" right, rather than having previously established "tools" of how to think, search, and try, with fear.

Even if a horse begins unsure or is in a new situation, if he is offered communication that has value to him, it can be a confidence-building, learning opportunity. 

Without that support, scenarios can quickly escalate into a stressful and overwhelming event for both the horse and human that can lead to defensiveness in future learning. 

Imagine each thing you ask of your horse is one small link in a "chain" of events. If you are hopeful or "waiting" to see what the horse will do, you are leaving it up to him to take over and decide how he will physically respond. 

If you intervene after the fact, it creates a critical interaction causing defensiveness in the horse and diminishes his willingness to try in the future. 

Instead of focusing on task accomplishment you focus on Quality Conversations, whether a scenario is new or familiar, become non-events and contribute to a solid, trust-based partnership.

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