Horse Tips: How will you help the horse succeed?

Often horse folks have a laser focus on task accomplishment rather than assessing if they have the necessary "pieces" to fairly ask something of the horse.

Here are some common examples:

Trying to get the correct canter lead, but not noticing if they can first direct/redirect the horse's thought, independently move his shoulders or hindquarters, and influence various energy levels at the slower gaits.

Wanting to "conquer" riding past a scary object or area, but not noticing or addressing the initial subtle indicators when the horse is beginning to show concern, his breathing changes, his energy becomes chaotic, there is increased tension, etc.

Attempting to improve the quality of the halt while sitting in the saddle, but not noticing that while tied, groomed, tacked or during mounting that the horse is continually moving. Or if he does pause his feet, that his mind is focused elsewhere, that he's imbalanced, or constantly carrying a brace.

Wanting to ride out, with the goal of achieving going a farther distance from the barn area, but not noticing the initial drifting movement or inconsistency in the horse's energy because his brain and body are thinking back toward his herd, the barn activities, or other nearby distractions leaving little equine having little availability to address the rider’s communication.

So, how can you better prepare both yourself and your horse for any future scenario?

First, think through the specifics of how and what you would like to communicate with the horse. Too many times people do not associate that they continually offer vagueness in their communication, which creates both resistance and unwanted behaviors in their horse.

Next, assess how your horse responds to specific aids. If he is defensive or unclear, you need to address this, otherwise you have no way to communicate effectively. Folks are shocked no matter how much "training" a horse may have, that so many horses rarely have specific, soft and quality directability or adaptability.

Notice if your horse shows resistance, defensiveness, or unwillingness such as pulling, heaviness on the reins, constant tension, etc. Do you having to ask for a response multiple times before getting the desired response? If so, the initial task or goal needs to be set aside, until you have addressed each "counteroffer" the horse has tried, until you see or feel the mental and physical shift in him to address what you are asking... WITHOUT  his fear increasing.

Once you have helped him think and physically work through his "checklist" of things he came up with, he'll then be able to "hear" what what it is that you are asking of him.

If you don't address his unwanted thoughts and behaviors, the horse will fixate on those, and will be unwilling to try and address whatever it is that you are asking of him, while his defensiveness towards your communication increases.

You'll also have to learn to follow through and assess if once your horse addressed you, if he become defensive or has increased tension for doing so. Many times this appears as a horse who physically rushes in his movement- such as after a correction, after a jump, out of the halt, before or after a transition, etc.

If your horse is "fleeing" throughout the session, (yes, then can flee at even a walk,) he will have a limited ability to try, and the interaction will feel like a fight. This experience leaves both the rider and the horse tentative and defensive.

If the focus is on learning to refine what you are asking of the horse and address his mental focus along with the quality of his physical participation, you will be building a solid foundation for the partnership to be built upon. Learning to prioritize influencing the horse's thought first, then the movement, creates a horse that learns to mentally check-in with the handler or rider.

This builds trust and try in the equine partner whose confidence increases for every interaction he has with the human. This then transitions into accomplishing goals with the horse as an enjoyable experience, rather than with a continual weariness as to "what may happen."

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