Showing posts with label horsemanship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horsemanship. Show all posts

First time leading the young horse- BLM Mustang Filly Alternative Horsemanship

Intro to leading Calamity Jane a filly BLM mustang. It took several weeks before I could touch her. Then after finding all her itchy spots multiple times, having her start to pick up her feet while loose, learn to be called off her feed, having her follow me around loose as I did chores in her pen, having her yield her head and follow the pressure of my fingerprints and take steps with me, I introduced haltering. I started filming right after I attached the lead rope for the first time. Most people watching would find this boring. Uneventful. Not exciting. That is exactly the point. Anything new with the horse shouldn't be big, dramatic, "or a story to tell later." But too often the human "thrives" on the scary moments they survive with the horse... for what? Bragging rights? Ego? And where does that leave the horse mentally, emotionally, and physically in their future interactions with people? Quality Conversations with the horse that he can retain, are based on thoughtful, specific, and clear Communication.

Horse Communication and Behavior: Offering to be Caught and Haltered

Pippin is a Haflinger that was in a rescue scenario. Not knowing his past, it was clear he was defensive about humans. Part of his re-education has been reignited his curiosity which diminishes his fear. Here is what I look for in a horse willing to participate before I halter them.

Treats, Trauma, and Horsrs

 Whitney "assisting" as I was teaching a session near the night time pastures...

First Touch with BLM filly yearling mustang by Alternative Horsemanship ...

After two weeks of Conversations with her, helping her let go of her flee as a response to everything, she started to become curious. But there'd been no interest in coming close. She learned how to watch me as I did chores. And then she learned how to follow me loose when I called her. This short clip is from the first time she offered for me to touch her. #alternativeHorsemanship #RemoteHorseCoach #horsemanship For in-person learning visit For distance and online learning visit the 165+ Alternative Horsemanship Video Catalogue

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series * Human Learning Process

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey presents Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *The Human Learning Process in the Journey of Horsemanship #alternativeHorsemanship #RemoteHorseCoach #dearsamseries Visit the 165+ Video Catalogue Horsemanship Webinars, Equine Behavior Courses, Mindful Significance Horsemanship Series Fifteen for Friday Video Vault and so much more

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Anger Interfering with our Horsemanship

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Anger Interfering with our Horsemanship by Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach New episodes uploaded Fridays, subscribe to not miss any of them! Visit the 165+ Alternative Horsemanship Video Catalogue for horse learning webinars, series, and online courses. Visit #alternativeHorsemanship #RemoteHorseCoach #dearsamseries

Hoofprints & Happenins Newlsetter Alternative Horsemanship

 Enjoy the latest edition of the Hoofprints & Happenings Newsletter of Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey HERE

Clarity, Horsemanship, and Horse Communication

Clarity, Horsemanship, and Communication

Tulip- Pasture Horsemanship Conversations from Fleeing to Participative

Three weeks ago I couldn't get near Tulip. After many Conversations with her learning to let go of her fear and flee, she's learning to try and become curious and willing during the human interactions. For those who missed the original videos, her Sales Pitch, and Week 1 , and Week 2 , Haltering videos to see the progression. Unfortunately, her story of being the "Advanced Beginner" horse that turns out to be as opposite from that as possible is very common these days. #alternativeHorsemanship #RemoteHorseCoach #horsemanship

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Video Series *Empathy vs. Assumptions

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey presents Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Empathy vs. Assumptions

In this video, Sam discusses how many people are starting in a place of assumption with their horses. This causes the human to not recognize the potential cracks or holes in their equine's educational "foundation." This fundamental misunderstanding leads to a majority of the unwanted scenarios experienced with the horse because the handler or rider is assuming and misinterpreting many equine behaviors.

Be sure to subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel for weekly videos.

Horsemanship: Not being distracted by the dramatic behaviors

Why do I live this lifestyle and commit myself to this type of unrelenting,  physically demanding, challenging work?

For moments like this.

Communicating with Horses Building a Foundation in your Horsemanship

Penny Lane's Foundation

She went from running over people, double barrel kicking, imposing herself spatially, no concept of softening, following, or yielding to either physical or spatial pressure, and now has been learning how to:

Round Pen Conversations with the Young Horse by Alternative Horsemanship

Penny Lane was incredibly pushy and would literally run over the top of you.

Here is my version of how a round pen is a safe place for thoughtful Conversations with the horse.

It is about gaining mental availability in the horse to create physical softness.

If the Communication from the human isn't specific and clear, the pen often creates flee and defensiveness in the horse.

This can be a safe environment for the horse to learn how to acknowledge and check-in with the human, let go of distractions, learn how to search for what is being asked of them, and to keep trying even if they had a different idea. for The Remote Horse Coach video learning opportunities.

#alternativeHorsemanship #RemoteHorseCoach #horsemanship