Refining Horse Communication : Dear Sam: Horse Help


Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 

Refining the Horse Communication

Horse Trainer advice to improve horse communication, increase awareness and understanding of equine behaviors, and acknowledge mental and emotional changes in animal reflected in his 

Are you teaching your horse to Quit?

 Are you teaching your horse to Quit?

Nothing is random when a horse does it. You may not know why the horse did it, but very rarely was it not intentional... 

Horsemanship- Helping vs Challenging the Horse

 Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 

Helping vs Challenging the Horse 

Learn the difference between helping your horse versus offering communication that creates fearful, reactive, and defensiveness behaviors.

New videos Fridays on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel 

Eliminating the Hurry to Improve your Horsemanship

In western society, people tend to hurry, and unintentionally carry their chaos into their horsemanship.

Their self-imposed urgencies of task accomplishment often become the focal point, rather than prioritizing the Quality of Communication with the horse. The general unspoken standard of "if the horse's behavior doesn't scare me, we're still okay," leaves many horses in the gray area during a majority of human interaction. If the horse "mostly" complies, the tendency is to add more to what is being asked of him.

Horses and Safety- the skill of "Doing Something"


Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 

"Doing something" 

Reduce the chances of horse related accidents by learning to proactively communicate and interaction builds quality partnerships, increases safe horse handling experiences, decreases the equine's fear, and defensiveness. 

New weekly videos on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel.

Horse Problems - I want it NOW

I was teaching a session yesterday at a clinic, a new student was filling in a last-minute opening and had been unable to trailer her horse to the facility. She asked to do an unmounted session focusing on her body awareness and aid usage while in the saddle- without the horse. Many horse people would probably balk at the thought of paying to participate in a clinic without a horse.

How to Choose a Horse Trainer

Tuesday Trainer Tips- How to Choose a Horse Trainer

Choosing the right horse trainer is easier when owners know the questions to ask. Too many horses are sent to trainers without owners understanding the training approach used or what and how the horse has learned. They often receive no update on the horse's progress, nor how to interact with the horse when they take it home, leaving owners feeling frustrated and horses resorting to previous unwanted behaviors. Alternative Horsemanship the Remote Horse Coach offers tips for horse owners seeking a trainer for their specific situation.

Subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube Channel for weekly videos.