Horse Rider Mindset Hints by Alternative Horsemanship

The Story...
What ifs...
Yeah, but I want to...
In peeling back the layers of why things fall apart, there is an imbalance of blaming the horse versus human self-observation and awareness.
Rarely is it popular to discuss how much the human mind and emotions can delegate how the horse interaction occurs.

Horses, Words, and Emotions

I think it's interesting how often opinions or perspectives, whether it's within the horse world or outside of it, can be massive emotional triggers.

Horsemanship- Reviewing the Release by The Remote Horse Coach

Reviewing The Release

As with everything, there are many interpretations when it comes to terminology associated with horses. I try to be clear and precise in the words that I'm offering, but there still can be a gray area in the human student's understanding. This often comes from their level of awareness, background, and unintentional anticipation/expectation of their mind "getting ahead" of wherever they are currently at with their horse.

Horseback Rider Awareness by the Remote Horse Coach

Self-awareness- A Crucial Factor

The next time you're with your horse, ask yourself...

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *Allowing ourselves Permission

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series 
*Allowing Ourselves Permission 

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach addresses the realities of needing to give Ourselves Permission on the learning journey of horsemanship.

Spring Time Safety and Prep Checklist for the Horse Enthusiast

Spring Horse Preparations

Every spring after cold, dark winter folks starts getting excited at the prospect of the upcoming riding season. For most people in the inland northwest, there is a major decrease in the amount of ride/horse time during the winter months. Below are some ideas to help safely get you back in the saddle!

The Uncomfortable Topics: Money, Horses, and Future Planning

Looking at the books...

Horseback Riding- Preparing for the Spring Season

Preparing for Spring Riding Season

Looking ahead to the upcoming riding season, whether you ride for pleasure or are a competitor, you can strive to offer a supportive partnership towards your horse. I will touch on two concepts that you can start considering, without even having to battle the outdoor winter conditions!

Improving our Horsemanship- One Step at a Time

 One Step at a Time

It is very easy to be overwhelmed by everything that "isn't" or is challenging, frustrating, and exhausting with the horse. 

Confidence Building in Human and Horse Webinar

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach presents this 60-minute two-part webinar addressing building confidence in the horse and rider. It is split into two segments: Part 1 Recognizing patterns of reactive interaction. Part 2 What proactive practices build confidence in the horse and rider. Click here to watch on the Alternative Horsemanship Remote Horse Coach Video Catalogue

Addressing the Horse's Concern- Alternative Horsemanship the Remote Horse Coach

The Horse's Concern
What if we recognized and addressed the initial signs of concern before it erupted into:
Fleeing movement
Biting at the Air
and so many other moments responded to as, "OH, he just does that, he's being a ____."

Mental Distractions- Opportunities for Building the Equine Partnership

 Mental Distractions- Opportunities for Building the Equine Partnership

In this session on day 3 of the six-day Oakzanita Ranch Winter Clinic Series we embraced the distractions of nearby horses, grass in the round pen, unseen movement creating sounds coming from above, as this three-year-old learned to mentally check-in with the human.

Many people get triggered by distractions and mentally go far away from the horse as they get lost in the stories or potential anticipation of what might happen. When this occurs, they are unintentionally teaching the horse that they are no longer offering support to the equine. This then teaches the horse to take over and delegate how to protect/handle himself.

I'm constantly trying to switch the words and associations that so many people have in how they avoid potentially uncomfortable situations, and instead of using the tools of clear, specific communication to help the horse mentally work through distraction and chaos to offer physically reasonable behaviors.