Spooky, bolting, reactive horse help by the Remote Horse Coach

Do you have a "spooky/overreactive/hypersensitive/dramatic/flamboyant/neurotic/destructive" horse? 

You might want to read the following thoughts I shared with a client after her older horse arrived for an assessment:

Dear Sam: Horse Help * The Resistant Horse by the Remote Horse Coach

Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series *The Resistant Horse Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach shares her perspective on what creates the resistant horses and contributors to "all of a sudden" behaviors. Subscribe to the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube channel or search #alternativehorsemanship #remotehorsecoach #dearsamhorseseries for all videos. In-Person Learning Distance Horse Coaching Alternative Horsemanship Video Catalog

Re-Introducing the Halter to the Fearful and Defensive Horse

This is Cinder a two-year-old horse that was rescued from a life of abuse. When she arrived she was fearful and defensive, wanted nothing to do with humans, and would try and climb over anything to get away from the human. 

The journey of reawakening her Curiosity, which will replace her fear, allows her to physically offer reasonable behavior. 

It is not one that you can make happen. It is about creating 2-way Communication, believing the horse's feet back, addressing their concern, and then allowing them the time to mentally process their new human experiences. 

This isn't about getting a halter on a horse, it is about setting the horse up for success for the rest of her life in the human world. 

Far too many people are rushing trying to accomplish a goal, rather than seeking the quality. Certainly, in the case of horses who have a history of abuse, there is nothing you will sneak past them. So the mental shift we need them to make must be 100%, otherwise, their old survival and behaviors re-emerge if humans attempt to contain them or make them comply, which will trigger the dangerous behavior.

The Young Horse: Dramatic, Reactive, Dangerous Behavior

 The MisUnderStood Horse

 This is a two-year-old Andalusian who I just started working with recently. He reflects so many horses that I meet that are often deemed "bad, aggressive, stubborn, resistant," and all these other human-based emotional judgments, which have nothing to do with what the horse is experiencing or why his behavior is as it is.

Young Horse Training and Education- Mental, Emotional, and Physical Maturity

 Gentle Reminder...

Although most equine enthusiasts want to do right by their horses, many are pushed into starting to ride horses at far too young of an age.

Heavy Horse Problems?

It is all connected
This is a great visual example of the "strings" I often talk about throughout the horse's body. The trickle-down effect of how one body part influences another, even if literally at the other end of the horse's body.

Horse Education- Rescue and Auction Bound Equines by Alternative Horsemanship

Thirty years ago, I never had the intention that my "specialty" would become helping very troubled horses due to their previous human experiences.

But here I am with probably 85% of the horses that arrive, are here for mental, emotional, and physical rehabilitation and then re-education.

Refining the Liberty Act- Behind the Scenes with Alternative Horsemanship

A quick glimpse into helping local performers refine their upcoming liberty act. It will be the first time all four horses are performing together.